Wednesday, April 29, 2009

happy birthday Ella!

I will post more later, but just wanted to wish my Ella bo bella a very happy fourth birthday!!! I was surprised this morning when she asked Alfredo if he was staying home with her for her birthday. He did last year, but unfortunately, with his
new(er) job he can't this year. I was surprised that she remembered, but pleased!!

I love my sweet Mirielle. She has the biggest brown eyes and is such a sweet girl. For preschool, she had to tell what makes her happy. She said being with mommy is what makes her happy! That made me nearly cry. She is such a good big sister to Gabrielle and she is learning so many things and growing so fast. She loves the gospel (she now basically bears her testimony in every is so cute). Happy birthday sweet girl!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Two quick gripes that I'll try not to dwell on:

First, a parent called my principal today to complain about me. The frustrating part of this is that all of the complaints were about things that happened months ago and that she had already talked to me about and that I had made changes or explained why I was doing what I was doing. And the mom blatantly lies to me and to others... Frustrating. My principal asked me to come tell my side of the story so we could document it in case the parent tries to take it any farther, and she totally backed me up which was the positive part of the experience.

Second, the legislature removed funding for teacher professional development days for this coming school year. Generally, we get 6 days per year to have training and to work in our classroom (4 days of training, 2 days in our classroom to set up before school starts) and because these are in addition to our contract, we are paid to attend. Because the economy is poor, because the budget is tight, these days were cut. So, we have one day that is part of our contract to set up our classrooms...and actually half of that day will be used for a faculty actually 3 hours. Of course, that is not possible, so we will all still work most or all of the week before school starts (and probably off and on throughout the summer, especially because we have just adopted a new reading program and will get a boatload of materials to unpack and organize and learn how to use). But we will work for free...because we are dedicated professionals. Now, I'm sure that some people are thinking that teachers get paid plenty and that we're always complaining. I don't think most people realize how much time and effort most of us put in. And I do realize that I am lucky to have a good job. And I do get a decent salary. Definitely things could be worse. But it is still frustrating. We will work 30 or more hours before the school year starts and not be paid a penny. We will then have to do any training after school or during breaks.

Okay, enough griping. I have had a great school year other than a couple of bad days. I'm disappointed about the professional development days. I am frustrated by this parent. But I have a great school, a great principal and have had one of the nicest classes I've ever taught. I have been very blessed to have a job that I consider valuable and important and that I mostly love doing. It's hard to juggle it all at times, but I know that I'm blessed.

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward:

Here are the rules:

The first five people to comment on this post will get something homemade by me!

The homemade gift could be anything (the air of mystery is what makes this thing exciting!) It may be a baked goodie, something I have written, a painting or drawing, OR something crafty. Who knows?! But whatever it is, you will love it...or pretend that you do!

Last but not least, you must continue this little game by re -posting the offer of a secret homemade gift to the first 5 people who comment on your blog.

The first 5 people to do so win a homemade gift by me that money can’t buy! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it (so those who weren’t fast enough to win can be horribly jealous).
*I will be the first to admit that I'm not terribly creative or crafty...but I promise I'll think of something. Come on! Join the fun!

Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

rub a dub dub...

my three girls in the tub. Gabrielle now loves taking baths with her big sisters. If I put them in the tub without her she begins to cry and tries to climb in. And I can't complain...bathing them all at the same time is fun and saves me time.

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Everywhere I go.
Tulips and no snow.
Grass that Alfredo mowed.
The green kind that grows and grows...

Hooray!!! Spring is my favorite time of year. Alfredo came home from work today and right after dinner he mowed the grass. Something about those clean lines in the grass and the green and the flowers made me almost cry with joy. I love spring!!!! These pictures are really not that spectacular, but hopefully you can see the freshly mown grass and a few daffodils and tulips. What a glorious day!

8 months

Gabrielle turned 8 months on April 11. I'm a little slow posting. I always take a photo with her next to a little stuffed animal each month. This month, I had difficulty getting her photo...she doesn't want to hold still.

I kept sitting her up with the stuffed animal and she would immediately flip forward and crawl away. These two shots are so typical of her now...always on the go.

She now cries when I buckle her into her carseat. She hates being strapped in and unable to move. She loves standing up. She wants to walk so badly. I can tell it won't be long (probably a month or so, but not much longer than that.)

She is beginning to wave and clap. She loves toys. She adores her big sisters. And she loves to eat. Last week I gave her asparagus and she loved it. She will eat just about anything...although she prefers "real" food to baby food now. But she gets baby food at the is easier and I have about a month's worth of jars that I'm determined to use up. She is a delight. I just wish she would stay little for longer.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mi Michellita

Michelle, my sweet girl, has such a tender heart. Just two quick stories to share about her.

Friday, she went to a birthday party for a sweet friend. She was so excited all week. Anyway, when I was picking her up, her friend's mom told me that when they were coming outside to play games, the kids all rushed out. But her friend's little brother was trying to put his shoes on. Michelle stopped to help. That's the type of kid she is. Her teachers have also commented on what a good friend she is to others.

About a week and a half ago, when we were reading in the Book of Mormon stories book, we read about Abinadi. She asked a lot of questions as I was reading. When it came to the part about Abinadi being put to death by fire, she began to sob. Not just a tear or two, she was really crying. It really upset her that a prophet was killed, especially in such a mean way. She often cries or gets emotional when she talks about the crucifixion of the Savior. She has such a tender heart.

Friday, April 10, 2009


These questions were answered by Ella.

1. What is something mom always says to you?
"You can't play on the computer."

2. What makes mom happy?

"Playing with friends."

3. What makes mom sad?

"If I get lost."

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

"Chester the dog. Because he licks you."

5. What was your mom like as a child?

"She had to have a pacifier."

6. How old is your mom?

"Firty-free" (her way of saying 33)

7. How tall is your mom?

(Puts hands up in air). "A little bit tall"

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

"Climb up a ladder."

9. What does your mom do when you are not home?

"Clean the room."

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

"Because some people are your friends."

11. What is your mom really good at?

"Killing bugs."

12. What is your mom not good at?

"You're not good at trees."

13. What does your mom do for a job?

"work at your school"

14. What is your mom's favorite food?

"ramen noodle soup"

15.What makes you proud of your mom?

"when you stay home with me, it makes me so happy."

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

"Hannah Montana because that's my favorite."

17. What do you and your mom do together?

"Play together."

18. How are you and your mom the same?

"that we sleep"

19. How are you and your mom different?

"I'm not going to tell you." (She's tired of these questions, I think.)

20. How do you know your mom loves you?

"Because you love me so much."

21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
"because he is your husband."

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?


Thursday, April 9, 2009

spring break, part 2

This week has been more fun than last week. Monday I went to Michelle's music show and tell at her school and that afternoon we went to Toadally Frogs. Tuesday, Ella had preschool and I cooked all day (16 meals frozen). Yesterday, we took our poor Gabrielle to the doctor (she has an ear infection, poor baby) and then Ella and I watched a movie and had a picnic on our floor while we watched the movie. We also went to Michelle's math night at school where we played fun math games. Today friends are coming over. Monday we are going to a friend's house. Tomorrow, Michelle is going on a field trip to go swimming (indoor) with her after school program.

Ella and I had fun picknicking on the family room floor while watching a movie. Then we curled up and cuddled. (Gabrielle slept through the entire movie. Poor sweet baby wasn't feeling well.)

The kindergartners at Michelle's school had a music "show and tell" on Monday. These are shots of Michelle and her class. They practiced using their "singing voice." They used rhythm sticks and also hopped, skipped, clapped and walked to the beat of a song. They sang some fun songs that taught high and low, loud and soft, fast and slow. It was engaging and fun. Michelle loves her music class, although she told me later that a lot of the time she was just mouthing the words, because she had a little bit of a cold and couldn't sing well.

I love her school! It is filled with student work on the walls. Every student from 3rd-6th grade learns to play violins. I love the dual immersion program and she is so excited to be learning Spanish right along with English.

It was so interesting because last week we went to observe at another school because we are probably getting a new set of reading materials at my school next year. So we went to a school in the district that has these reading materials. The people at the district wanted us to be really impressed and I think it backfired. The school felt so sterile. Few of the classrooms had student work on the walls. There were few books in the classrooms. The lessons seemed so boring...even to me. I must say that the kids were well behaved, but it did not seem engaging at all. It was so sad. We will probably get the materials, but I know that even if we do, we will have an engaging school that celebrates diversity, student writing and has literate rich classrooms. While it is critical that kids learn to read and write well, I think it is also important that we engage them and make learning exciting so they will want to continue to learn. Does every kid in my class love school and love learning? No. But I hope most do. I'm so glad that Michelle's school makes learning fun. She loves school (at least most days.)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

toadally frogs

Monday was family free day at the Uof U's museum of natural history. (Apparently, the first Monday of every month is! Awesome! We'll be returning.) Right now, along with their regular exhibits, they have an exhibit called "Toadally frogs". The girls and I had fun searching for and seeing all the frogs and learning some cool facts about them. Here are a few facts for your reading pleasure.

Did you know that some frogs do not have tongues? They just reach out and grab their prey with their hand and then shove it in their mouths.

Did you know that all toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads? In other words, frog is the big category and only some frogs are toads. Usually toads have stubby bodies with short legs and warty, dry skin. Also, most toads lay their eggs in long strands rather than clusters.

Frogs live almost everywhere in the world and scientists are very worried about how many frogs are disappearing. They are considered a landmark species that signals declines in the environment and problems in the ecosystem.

Different frogs make very different sounds. They had cool little phones where you could listen to about 8 different frog sounds.

Frogs rarely drink water. They absorb water through their skin.

Many cultures have stories or beliefs about frogs. In many countries frogs are considered lucky. In Japan (I think?) they say they see the "frog in the moon" rather than the "man in the moon." Of course, in other countries frogs are connected with witches and magic.

Take a look at this amazing frog as it climbs the wall! (and Michelle's amazed look on her face!) Some frogs have toes like suction cups to help them climb. Other frogs have webbed toes to help them swim. Others have toes like a rake and others like a glove. Each frog has feet and toes that are adapted to it's needs.

One type of frog (I don't remember its name) is much bigger as a tadpole than as an adult. It actually shrinks as it matures.

Michelle's favorite frogs were the red ones and the poison dart frogs. Ella liked the blue ones. I was amazed by the cool frog that was climbing. This was a cool exhibit. I'm glad we went. We then wandered around other parts of the museum and saw some of the dinosaur bones, the gems, etc. There was a cool exhibit about insects but my kids were getting hungry and tired so we didn't stay.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

photo shoot

We had a little impromptu photo shoot with the girls (and Chester) last night since they were wearing their matching jammies from Nene.

too soon

Gabrielle is getting too big too fast. Today she has been pulling to a stand by herself. I know that means that cruising and walking aren't far off. The good news? I was able to capture her pulling to a stand to grab a toy! The bad news? My baby is gettting too big and soon I'll have 3 kids to chase around! :(

A big smile as she notices me with the camera, right after noticing her favorite toy on the couch.

Grabbing on to the couch to help pull herself up.

Here she goes!

And she is up!

Friday, April 3, 2009

spring break

So spring break so far hasn't been quite what I had planned. Gabrielle has had a cold and been fussy for the past two days. Ella has a little bit of a cold too. Today, Michelle's school called. She had a fever and a bad headache. So we've spent the day vegging on the couch. Between sick kiddos and snow and rain and Michelle having school, we haven't done much.but it has been nice to be read, relax, scrapbook, play and do puzzles with Ella and cuddle Gabrielle and watch in amazement as she crawls everywhere.

silly sayings

3/30: Ella: When I get bigger I don't want a husband. I asked why. She said she is scared of husbands. She only likes daddy, my husband. She has reiterated this several times this week. When I ask why, she says because she doesn't know her husband. I figure it's okay if she doesn't want a husband right now...she is only three (almost four).

3/22: Ella: This meat (carnitas for tacos) smells like Chester's breath.

3/15: We were talking about jobs Michelle wants to have when she grows up. Alfredo asked Ella what she wanted to be. Ella responded enthusiastically, "I want to be a banana."

2/15: I love this streusel cake Mommy. This is my twoth. (meaning second)... this was funny because I've heard her say second many times before, but she obviously overgeneralized the rule for ordinal numbers...fourth, fifth, sixth, why not twoth?.....

2/10: Michelle's new song (which I guess the credit actually goes to a boy in her class at school): We will, we will rock you. Sock you. Push you in the toilet. Hope you enjoy it." (followed by giggles.)

February and March 09 Reads

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
My Enemy's Cradle by Sara Young
Final Theory by Mark Alpert (I liked this a lot.)
Ice Bound: A Doctor's Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole by Jerri
An Unlikely Mormon by Glenn Beck
Knit 2
Looking for Salvation at the dairy queen
Mormon Myth-ellaneous
Red Dragon Codex by Rebecca Shelley and R.D. Henham (this was written by my fun!!!)
Roommates Wanted (not my favorite)
The art of racing in the rain (This was very good.)