Saturday, October 27, 2018

Provo City Center/Provo Temples

Great group of children/teens!   And notice the beauty of the sky and mountains behind the temple.  I told the teens today that in the past I didn't really appreciate the beauty of the Provo Temple.  (Or the Ogden Temple before it was remodeled.)  It's just a kind of unusual design.  But I was reading a book a couple of months ago that talked about the symbolism of the temple.  It talked about some of the symbolism of architecture used.  And it specifically spoke of the Provo Temple and how the base which is square is a symbol of the four corners of the earth...or in other words the entire Earth and all the people on it.  Then above that it has the round part of the building...which represents eternal round.  SO the temple is the place where eternity/heaven meets Earth.  Pretty cool symbolism!  

I can't keep up!   I still have our trip to St. George to finish posting about.   And our trip to Yellowstone.  And several other things.  But school is in full swing.  And I was called as YW President about a month ago.  And I am really happy and doing really well...but the blog has been suffering.  There just isn't time to do it all.  Anyway...

Today we went to the Provo City Center and Provo Temples with the Smiths.  Both were really busy and both temples gave us the option of waiting 1 1/2 or more hours to do baptisms or just doing confirmations.  At both temples, the teens decided to just do confirmations.  But regardless of what work we did, it was so wonderful to be at the walk around the grounds, to feel the spirit there and to be inside.  Aly went in with the teens at Provo City Center and I went in with them at Provo. 
So many fond memories of my college years have flooded my mind today as I spent time with my girls and the Smiths at both Provo temples today. (I come to Provo often enough that I am not sure why I was feeling so nostalgic but something about walking around what used to be the Provo Tabernacle brought memories flooding back.) I had a wonderful 4 years living in Provo and attending BYU. I am thankful for the experiences I had there.
And I am so grateful for the temple and the blessings available there. Last night I was touched by Mosiah 15:18: "For o how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that is the founder of peace, yea, even the Lord, who has redeemed his people; yea him who has granted salvation unto his people." Founder of peace! I am so thankful that through Christ we can have peace.

While in the temple, I read Mosiah 17 and 18.  I had tears in my eyes as I read of Abinadi suffering death by fire.  He was willing to sacrifice everything to build up the kingdom of God.  He is a true example of consecration.  I hope I would have that same faith and conversion and consecration if it were required of me!   And then I read of the people being baptized at the waters of Mormon and clapping their hands with joy...and exclaiming this is the desire of our hearts!   And covenanting to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort and to stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places.  I'm really trying to be better at mourning with those who mourn and comforting those who stand in need of comfort and being a disciple.  As Michelle Craig said in her conference talk, I am really trying to "never suppress a generous thought."  And I must admit that it has been challenging.  I read a quote Thursday on Instagram that I have been really thinking about:  Dallin H. Oaks said, "Opposition is part of the plan, and Satan's most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to God's plan."  I saw the quote on an LDS page that I follow and the author said what if we personalize that quote by adding the words "for you" at the end of the quote..."Opposition is part of the plan, and Satan's most strenuous opposition is directed at whatever is most important to God's plan for you."  This really struck me because on Thursday morning, I had been telling Sara that lately I am really trying to follow promptings and just to act any time I have a "generous thought".  And more than I can ever really happening before I've been feeling opposition.  What I mean is that several times lately I have had "generous thoughts" and I've begun to act on them...once it was to buy a book for a friend, another time to take a meal to a family, another time to type up the notes from our YW in Excellence program and take them to the girls who missed the program.  So I have acted on each.  But on all 3 ocassions, as I was trying to do the follow through (deliver the book, deliver the handouts from YW in Excellence and take dinner to the family)...I've had overwhelming feelings that what I was doing was foolish.  Who would actually take the time to read all my notes... and besides notes aren't the same thing as being there?  My friend probably already had the book I was giving to her.  I might offend the family I was taking dinner too...and they probably already had something prepared.  In the case of my friend, the feelings were so strong that I actually just dropped the book off on her doorstep with a note and left...not even ringing the bell.  But my friend sent me a text letting me know how much she appreciated it and that she was sure I was inspired to do that.  And one of the YW sent me a message letting me know that the words in the notes were things she needed to hear.  And the family seemed appreciative.  So why was it so hard to do?   I think it's because learning to minister and to help others is one of the most important things in God's plan for me right now...and so Satan is opposing it.  But I am going to really try to continue to listen to the promptings of the spirit.  I definitely need them to magnify my calling, to strengthen my family, and to become fully converted and firm and steadfast in the faith.

Anyway, there are my musings of the past couple of days. And now the rest of the
photos of our temple trip.

A treat at a French bakery (very mediocre quality) while the teens were in the temple.

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