Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly--Covid 19 (Part 1)

I feel like there has been some good, some bad and (more than I care to admit) some ugly during this worldwide pandemic.

Here are the good things I've noticed:
*I belong to a group on Facebook that began when President Nelson invited the world to join in a fast on Good Friday. People of all walks of life and all over the world joined in prayer and fasting that day and they still share stories of hope and ask for prayers.  It has created unity and faith  that wasn't there before.
*Many people have felt like this was a blessing to get this extra time as a family...and want to more carefully consider what they add back to their life when things open up.  I am not perfect by any means--but I feel like we had been pretty careful about what activities we participated in and there isn't much I'd want to change.  I am eager to resume "normal life."  But I think the opportunity to slow down and ponder what's important is valuable.
*I have recognized even more how blessed I am.  I have so much.   I have such wonderful people in my life.  I have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have a home and food and a job that is meaningful.  I have a calling that I LOVE so very much.  I am healthy.  I have a testimony.

*Teacher parades and birthday parades.  Since we can't be face to face, gathering together, people have been creative.  Teachers have paraded through their school boundaries and waved to their students which was one of my highlights!  Both seeing Gabby's school come by and then parading through my school neighborhood. So fun.

*Sidewalk chalk messages and bears in windows and decorations in windows.  People have tried to find ways to spread joy and hope and love through creative means.  Ella's dance teacher would show up at friends' homes dressed in a wig and would sing and dance for them.  (Also when I asked her about her darling wreaths and if I could pay her to make me a wreath she showed up at my house less than 15 minutes later and gifted me two wreaths for free!)  Our sweet Primary president organized bear hunts on Sundays.  Several families would put bears in their windows along with a scripture and the primary kids would go hunt for them, using clues provided by the primary president.  Our stake YW presidency made handouts and treats for all the youth in the stake for us to deliver.  My girls and I decorated half of the young women's houses with sidewalk chalk (and our class presidents did the other half).  My girls decorate our sidewalk regularly.  One family in our neighborhood put up a sign about the "ministry of silly walks."   Lots of people have hung signs or decorations in their windows.

*High school graduates and (many) teachers have been recognized with signs in their yards. and schools have found creative ways to celebrate graduation.  A group began on Facebook to honor seniors and strangers "adopt" a senior and deliver a gift to them.  I adopted I delivered and met yesterday.  The second senior I adopted is actually the son of a girl from my old singles I will get to see her next weekend.
Gifts for one of my "adopted" seniors.

 *We've had time to do lots of puzzles and games.

*There is positive news about pollution lessening and the environment seeing positive healing changes while humans have sheltered in place.

*My girls and I have had time to write back and forth in our mother-daughter journals on a regular basis.

*I  have learned a few things that I wouldn't have learned otherwise...and recognized how very much I have to be thankful for.  I am clinging to my knowledge of the gospel and my understanding of the Savior's role in my life.  I am really, really trying to Hear Him (though it sometimes feels harder than before). There have been some moments of pure peace and hope and joy.  And when things are HARD, I can rely on what I know to be true.

*My family is safe.  We are healthy and blessed.

*Although I don't like it, I CAN work from home.  I still have employment and can meet my family's needs.   I recognize, more than ever, that this is an incredible blessing!

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