Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stake Conference

President Isaac spoke at stake conference today, along with many of the stake's youth. I found his talk so inspiring. He spoke about being valiant...because we must be valiant if we want to inherit the Celestial Kingdom. He talked about 3 groups of people that aren't really valiant. Those who think "How much can I get away with? How far can I go without getting into trouble?" Those who do what they should because they are "s'posed to". Those who try to be good, but just good--and not too good--and who keep putting off becoming truly Christlike until another day. I think I can kind of fit into both the second and third category. I truly do have a testimony, and I desire to do what is right. But I am not valiant in some of the things I should be doing. My scripture study is severely lacking...almost nonexistent right now. And my prayers are not as sincere or faithful as they could be and should be. I am trying hard to teach my children the gospel. But President Isaac said something that really struck me. He talked about Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven." He said this isn't really about setting a good example...because that is something you do. Letting your light shine is about who you are and whether the light of Christ shines through you. When others look at me, do they see Christ in my countenance? He said, and this is the part that really got to me, "If your children do not see Christ through you, they may never see Him at all." I want my family to be an eternal family. I want my children to be close to the Lord. And they have beautiful sweet testimonies now. But know that this world is a difficult place, filled with much that is evil and degrading. And I know that sometimes we let some of that into our home. Am I doing enough to protect my children? Am I teaching them enough and praying for them enough? And am I living the gospel so that they can see Christ through me? I worry especially because Alfredo is only marginally active and he doesn't worry too much about them being active. He probably would be happy for us all to stop going to church. So they are not getting a lot of gospel teaching from him. Don't get me wrong. He teaches them many things that are good and valuable, and he is a good person, just not that active in the church.
President Isaac also said that at times his kids, when they were making poor choices, would say, "Can't you just love me the way that I am?" He said he didn't know how to respond to that. But now he knows. He said what they are actually saying is, "Can't you just love me the way I am not?" Because we are children of Christ, we have the light of Christ in our lives and so when we are not living the way that we should, we are actually being who we are NOT.

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