Sunday, July 11, 2010

So I don't forget

Gabrielle has learned to count by twos. She can't count by ones (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) but she happily counts 2, 4, 6, 8. Also, if you say one, she'll often respond 2. You say 3, she says 4. Very cute.

Ella cracks me up. She seriously has different voices depending on who she is talking to and what the circumstances are. She speaks one way on the phone. She talks another way to friends her age and recently with Gabrielle she uses her own baby talk with a higher pitched voice and adding cutesy things to her words like she's talking to a newborn. Her voice, inflection and even vocabulary change depending on her intended audience. Maybe she'll be an actress? She definitely is good at drama! :)

Silly things they said:
4/4 (Easter Sunday) Michelle, after opening the gifts from the Easter Bunny: "What? Did the Easter bunny steal these from Walmart?"

4/7 (One of my darling daughters, who will remain nameless): I don't know what you're cooking, but I don't like it. (This without looking at what it was...and it was actually something she does like. Gotta love kids' attitudes at times! :( But she did eat it.)

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ Ella... I've HEARD the voice changes! SO STINKIN CUTE!
