Friday, February 15, 2008


So, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been terrible about updating my blog over the past few weeks. Life has been busy and it has been pushed to the bottom of my to-do list.

This week I had parent teacher conferences. Meeting parents is always so interesting. Often, you kind of get an a-ha about why children are the way they are. I love being able to tell parents the great progress that (most of) the children have made and all the things they have to be proud of their child for. But I sometimes feel so frustrated. Some of these kids come from rough homes and I feel like shaking the parent and saying, "Don't you realize what you have here? Do you realize the effect you're having on this child's life?" One little boy in my class comes from a real rough home. The dad came and mostly stared off into space and grunted when I asked questions. This little boy acts so tough and brags about being naughty, but deep down, he has a softer, sweeter side and he really wants to be loved and accepted and treated kindly. It makes me so angry that he has such a tough home life. And of course, it affects his school life. He comes to school and is mean and threatening to other kids because that is how he is treated at home.

For those who don't know, I am expecting. I am 15 1/2 weeks along now. I finally told my principal yesterday. The baby is due the 6th of August and school starts around August 1st. So, most likely, I'll be missing the first six weeks of school. Not very good timing! But we're thrilled about the new addition to our family. We haven't told the girls yet, because it's still a long time to wait. I know Michelle will be excited. She's been asking for her brother to come to our family for months now. We think it will probably be a boy; Michelle talks as if she knows/remembers her brother and can't wait until he joins our family. I have my ultrasound in 4 1/2 weeks and we'll find out then.

Alfredo took the girls and I out to breakfast last weekend to celebrate my birthday. Then we went out to dinner and did a little shopping just the two of us. It was a nice day. He was especially sweet on Valentine's Day. We had agreed not to do gifts because we got each other big gifts for Christmas. But he bought me a beautiful mixed bouquet of flowers. There was a terrible snowstorm the evening of Feb. 13 and morning of Feb. 14. This was a big storm. Lots of schools were closed; roads were terrible; it was a very bad storm. Alfredo shoveled all the walks before work, scraped the snow off my car, and moved my car under the carport. I had parked on the side where we have a gravel driveway, and I think I would have been stuck. He said he had a hard time getting my car out. Anyway, that was the best gift he could have given me. It saved me a lot of time and stress to have my car all cleaned off and ready for me to go to work. He's a great guy and I love him!


  1. Well! Congratulations Jenny! I had no idea! I'm so very happy for you all!!! I'll be sure NOT to tell Xaria - she is Mrs. repeat!

  2. Congratulations Jenny! I didn't know either. That was pretty terrific of Alfredo to clear off & move your car for you that day. That snow was crazy!

  3. I only told four people before about 3 weeks ago. I'm not sure why I've kept it hush, hush. With my last two pregnancies, I shared almost as soon as I knew. I know I've been stressed lately and I guess I wanted to be sure the baby was doing well before I shared the news. Early on, I had several dreams that I would miscarry or that something would go wrong. I often have strange, bad dreams when pregnant. When pregnant with Michelle, I dreamed she would look like a dragon or some kind of monster. With Ella, I dreamed that I would forget about her and leave her home alone all day when she was just a few weeks old. These are just two of the more vivid dreams that I actually remember. But I have a lot of bad (and a lot of vivid good) dreams when expecting. So I didn't really expect that anything would be wrong, and yet I have worried a little. But the first ultrasound (at my first appointment, at 10 weeks) was very clear and we could see the babies hands and legs moving. At the last appointment, I heard the heartbeat, and it was nice and strong about 15o beats per minute. Wow, that was a long comment. Guess I could have/should have done a separate post. :)

    I"m surprised you didn't know, Shannon. Janene has known and I know she told her parents and Jelaine. :)

  4. Well... Mike said he knew. I guess I'm either forgetful or not really part of the family. Just kidding! LOL
