Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bathing beauty

She's nearly too old to include any more bathtime photos, so had to take just a few more.

Couple of cute things about her. Gabrielle loves to jump. She now loves to stand on the second or third stair from the bottom and jump into my arms (waiting a stair below).

She is talking up a storm. Our babysitter Aly commented yesterday that she says thank you a lot...nearly any time you do something for her. She imitates and echoes so much of what we say. Also, as I've mentioned, she loves her big sisters "Chele" and "Ella". I guess today, while Ella was at preschool, she was walking around Aly's house saying "Ella... Ella... Ella."

She loves to fold her arms and say "Amen" at the end of prayers. On Sunday at church, after the opening prayer, she folded her arms and then said Amen enthusiastically after the prayer ended. Then, perhaps because everyone else didn't share her enthusiasm, she repeated Amen about 4 more times. She wasn't so loud that I needed to leave, but loud enough for several pews to hear her and for us to get many smiles.

She loves baths. She loves to lay on her tummy and splash around. She loves to get a cup and pour water over her sisters' heads or even her own head. And the last 3 days, she has begun copying Michelle. Michelle loves to stretch out on her back and put her arms out. Gabrielle is still a little small to do this, but she sure does her best. Makes me both laugh and watch her very carefully in order to help her when she, from time to time, goes under a bit. But that doesn't stop her from laying right back down on her back. This has helped bath time go more smoothly though. The girls usually bathe together, and they all want to sit up front by the tap. But since Gabrielle has learned the joys of laying down, she happily goes to the back and only Ella and Michelle are racing to get in the front of the tub.

And my favorite thing? Having her give kisses "Mwah" and hugging you while she pats her back and hearing her say, "I wuv you." (She doesn't say this on her own yet. You have to ask her to say it, but it is still the sweetest thing to hear her say, "I wuv you gwandma." or "I wuv you Chele." or so on.)


  1. She is getting so big SO FAST! Love that girl!

  2. She is in one of the most fun stages right now! What a cutie!
