Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last Friday, we went to another fun free activity at the public library! Love those things! This one was about alpacas and the kids got to see (and be sniffed by) two alpacas as well as see items made from their fleece and learn about them. How much do you know about alpacas? Take my little quiz below to see. (It's not interactive...I'm not that techy...just record your answers on a scrap of paper and check your answers at the bottom. Enjoy!)

1. What animals are alpacas related to?
a. camels
b. llamas
c. guanacos
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

2. Where do alpacas come from?
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Andes Mountains
c. Switzerland
d. Mongolia

3. What do alpacas eat?
a. bugs and insects
b. fruits like bananas and mangoes
c. grass hay
d. small animals like rabbits and squirrels

4. Why would you want socks, a sweater or a blanket made from alpaca fibers?
a. they are very lightweight
b. they are very warm
c. they are not scratchy
d. they can help improve circulation
e. none of the above
f. all of the above

5. If you have alpacas, how many should you have?
a. they are pack must have at least two or they won't survive
b. they like to live alone
c. females live in groups, but males live alone

6. How many types of alpacas are there?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2

7. What is an alpaca's gestational period?
a. 24 months
b. 6-7 months
c. 10-11 months
d. 36 months

8. About how long will an alpaca live?
a. 7 years
b. 20 years
c. 50 years
d. 10 years

We learned quite a few other facts, but these were some of the more interesting ones. A cool tidbit is that the two people presenting said that they welcome visitors to see their alpacas. Just call ahead and they will give you a little tour.

So how did you do? Here are the answers:
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. f 5. a 6.d 7.c 8. b


  1. ok... good thing I didn't try to answer those questions... I didn't even know that Alpacas existed... but, now I do and I've learned a lil something about them! ;) Thanks for sharing.. and btw... the dresses are BEAUTIFUL!!!

  2. Ok, cool Alpacas - but do you happen to know the guy in the bottom picture in the blue shirt with sunglasses on? I do - he's in my ward!
