Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

For Ella, the first day was yesterday...with parents required to attend as an orientation. And today was the first day where parents dropped kids off and left them. For Michelle, today was the first day. Both girls were so excited. In fact, on Tuesday, Michelle asked our babysitter, Aly, all day long how much longer until I got home from work, because she said, "I need to go home and go to bed early so I can get up for school tomorrow." Too cute! They both had great days, love their teachers, and were so thrilled that we made teacher survival kits for their teachers again. Ella's teachers are Mrs. Pereira (English) and Miss Hair (Spanish). Michelle also had Mrs. Pereira. Michelle's teachers are Mrs. Butler (English) and Mrs. Jensen (Spanish). Mrs. Jensen is new and I don't know either of these teachers, but I'm confident that they will be great. Michelle seemed especially happy to have cubbies. We love their school. One fun thing this year is that one of my closest friends, Brenda, has a daughter in Ella's kindergarten class. So Ella has her friend Aelora with her. And Ella did great today. I was afraid she would cling to me or cry but she gave me a hug and said goodbye and lined up and went inside with her class with no problems.


  1. I'm so glad they like school. It makes life so much easier for us, doesn't it? Their hair cuts are adorable.

  2. So Cameron was able to get into the dual immersion class also! It was one of those last minute "feelings" and it was amazing how quickly everything fell into place. There were 10 people on the waiting list for the one by our house but I had the district check the other school in Sandy (20 minute drive) and they had 2 drop outs Monday with only one on their waiting list so he was able to start the first day which was Tuesday. He's been wanting to learn spanish and was so excited. So far he says he can understand her okay so I guess he knew more spanish than I thought already. He knew the word for backpack. Go Diego!! So thanks for all your input. It's fun your girls are together. I look forward to when Braeden can be there too but this school doesn't start it until 1st grade so he'll have 2 more years.

  3. Such sweet little girls, so glad that the transition went so well for Ella...makes a world of difference for sure. I was positive Bielle would be really sad that her sisters weren't coming with her in the mornings, but she seems to have done really well also. YAY! You have such wonderful kids :O).
