Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunshine bags Hunter

Yesterday was a good day.  I began my day at the temple which is always the best way to start a day. I love the temple.  So much.

Then a week ago I felt prompted to do something for the teachers and staff at Hunter High.  I asked several friends with kids at the high school if they wanted to help.  We ended up making sunshine bags…with clementines, popcorn, water and lemonade packets, and several orange and yellow candies.  Each person bought something and then the four of us that were available got together yesterday to assemble the bags. Just over 170 of them.  It made my day.  It’s been a hard year at Hunter, between the pandemic and then a recent shooting that killed two students and injured another and then accidents claiming a couple of other lives. I hope this really does bring a ray of sunshine into their day tomorrow.

 After we finished I sent the following message to my friends that helped:

You are all simply amazing and my heart is full right now!  I am certain the teachers will appreciate this.

I went to the temple this morning and the part with the adversary talking about his power and influence really struck me.  I feel like I can see and feel that all around.  But also I have felt so strongly lately that we CAN make a difference.  We can add light and righteousness and it matters.  Studying about the flood last week, one podcast talked about 3 floods...a flood of wickedness, a flood of truth and righteousness and a flood of consequences (in that instance through a flood of water).  And the Lord has promised a flood of truth and righteousness in our day... and that will come through us.  I can never express my thoughts as well as I want to but I am so grateful for your goodness and for the way each of you is flooding the world with love and truth and righteousness and goodness.  It inspires me to be better and it reminds me that there is hope in the midst of the heartache and suffering. Thank you!

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