Thursday, June 24, 2010

Memories and Thoughts about Grandma

My grandma's viewing was Monday evening and the funeral was Tuesday. It was a beautiful mom offered the family prayer. My cousin Tamara played the organ. My uncle Steve and my uncle Brent spoke about my grandma, and I spoke about the plan of salvation. My cousin Tamara did a special musical number, How Great Thou Art. The Bishop of the ward also spoke about my grandparents.

My grandma is buried in Sandy, in a beautiful plot with an amazing view of the mountains and the valley. I think and hope that she is at peace.

It was nice to hear and be reminded of so many of my grandma's positive qualities. She was not a perfect woman and at the end of her life had become angry and unforgiving about some things she had endured. But she also had many wonderful qualities.

My grandma loved animals. She always had a dog and at least one cat. She also had many other animals. My sister reminded me that we spent lots of playing with ducks during the summers we spent up here with my grandparents. I guess she also had bunnies, geese and other animals at various times.

My grandma was an amazing gardener. She had many fruit trees, raspberry bushes and a huge vegetable garden. She could grow anything. And she was very generous with the food she grew, often giving it away to friends, neighbors and family members. She canned a lot of food. As a little girl I loved her canned apricots. I also enjoyed helping her pick raspberries.

My grandma was also an amazing seamstress. She made quilts for her children and grandchildren and others. As a little girl, I wore many dresses and other clothes that she sewed for me.

My grandma was very frugal. She really lived by that old adage, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." She and my grandpa never went out to eat or did other things that were "extravagant." They saved and used their money wisely and carefully.
Uncle Brent's talk (the great thing about the talks is that almost everyone collaborated and shared memories to help write the talks for my two uncles)

Faye Morris Neff was born on September 16, 1924 to Albert Oscar and Rosina Eliza Sparkes Morris. She passed away on Thursday, June 17, 2010 at the age of 85. She was married to Floyd Neff on October 28, 1948. They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on June 12, 1957.

Faye is survived by her husband of 62 years as well as her five children: LaRue, Barbara, Steve, Elaine and Brent. She had 15 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and all of her siblings.

Mom was a very hard-working person and taught her children to work hard. She was constantly doing something. Even when she sat down, she had embroidery or knitting in her hands. She loved to quilt and made quilts for her children and grandchildren. She loved to sew and made lots of clothes for others.

Mom was a wonderful cook. She loved to make pies. Pineapple was my favorite. There were always fruit trees in our yeard and Mom used the fruit to make jams, jellies and pies as well as canning the fruit to eat. Mom was an amazing gardener, growing fruits and vegetables, which she then shared with friends, neighbors and family. She had such a green thumb that no matter what she planted, it would grow.

As teenagers, Mom and Dad would often take us boating and waterskiing on the weekend. Often, one of our friends would go with us. Our parents wanted to share with others the fun we had as a family. (Note from me, Jenny: I also have found memories of going boating with my grandparents and Aunt Elaine and Uncle Brent as a child during the summers spent up here in Utah!)

Mom loved to babysit her grandchildren. Even when she didn't feel well herself, she was always willing to take care of her grandchildren.

It was really important to Mom that her children marry the right person. She wanted each of them to find the happiness in marriage that she enjoyed in her own marriage to Dad. She loved Dad with all of her heart.

Mom loved to listen to talk radio and always wanted to be up to date on current events.

I loved my mom and I will miss her.


  1. I'm sorry about your grandma. Great memories. I loved reading about your favorite hymns too. Now, I will never sing "Lead, Kindly Light," with out thinking of you. So, if we sing it in sacrament meeting and you see me glance at you with a smile, you'll know why. Thanks for sharing.

  2. P.S.
    Doing a giveaway at "Greener Days".. you should enter!

  3. So sorry about your loss... It's never easy to lose someone you love, despite their imperfections (let's face it, we all have them). My favorite ever "hymn" is "How Great Thou Art"... what a GREAT choice! They played it during communion at Mass this morning and it always brings a lil' tear to my eye! It reminds me of that time in my life when I found the Lord again - a remarkable time! Thank you for sharing a little of your gramma with us... I wish I could have her frugality... that's something I'm definitely lacking!

  4. I've been thinking a lot about Grandma, too. Thank you for reminding me of so many of her talents & strengths.
    I love you and will call soon!
