Monday, July 9, 2018

Chillin' Like a Villain

Back in May, Gabby had her end of the year dance performance for Shellie's School of Dance. The theme for all of the dances was "E-Motion" and each dance was based around an emoji.  Gabby's class danced to "Chillin' Like a Villain."  Sara was her teacher.  Sara is a dear friend and neighbor...and the mother of one of Gabby's closest friends.  So it was really fun to have her as a teacher.  Gabby worked really hard in dance, and she definitely has some natural talent.  She did really well in class and did really well in her performance. 

Gabby with her beloved teacher, Sara

My dad moved to Utah about 4 months ago, and my mom and stepdad moved to Utah just a few days before Gabby's performance.  So all 3 of her grandparents on my side of the family were able to be at her performance.  So was Aunt Suzy.

The week after the concert, Gabby tried out for Jazz Attitude.  This was only her second year dancing, so we weren't sure if she would make it.  But Sara thought she had a good shot at it, and she wanted to try.  My mom took her to the tryout and my mom said she did really well.  Sara told me the next day that her sister Shayla said Gabby did really, really well.  So we weren't too surprised, but we sure were happy when Gabby found out that she made it and will be in Jazz Attitude in the fall.

This month (July), she has conditioning classes.  She had her first one today.  It's hard and tiring, but I think it really will make her stronger and more prepared.  And she is a hard worker.  I'm pleased that she has found something that she really enjoys and that she is good at.  I hope this will continue to be something she enjoys for many years to come.

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