Monday, July 23, 2018


In a wonderful talk by President Nelson (The Spirit of Elijah),  he said, "Service in the temple together is a sublime activity for a family.  It provides its own sustaining motivation and verification of the truth of this unique work." How I love the temple!  I'm so grateful that I have been able to attend the temple regularly this summer with my girls.  This past week I attended 4 times in 9 days...once with my sisters, daughters and niece at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple, once with my dear friend Sara at the Jordan River Temple, once with my girls, Kate, and the Smiths at the Ogden Temple, and once with the young women at the Jordan River Temple. 

Ogden Temple

What a great blessing it was to be in the temple four times in just over a week...and in 3 different temples!   When I was at the temple with the young women, a temple worker commented on what a great spirit the young women have about them.  And they do!  They are such great girls.  At the Ogden Temple, a worker asked about our group and so I explained how my family and the Smiths are attending temples together and they said what great moms to organize that.  It's been such a blessing for me...and I think/hope for the Smiths and my girls as well.  I've gained some insights and as I'm sure the temple is similar in feeling to the Celestial Kingdom, it fills me with a greater desire to draw close to the Savior, repent and be worthy to return to His presence.  Sometimes in the busy, hectic pace of life, it's easy to forget what really matters most or to always keep our priorities completely straight.  So I am grateful for the opportunities we have to be reminded as we attend the temple, study the scriptures, attend church and partake of the sacrament.  How very, very, very blessed we are!   I hope I never take these things for granted!!  I wish I could somehow help every person I know to understand these truths and to care about them as much as I do!

Our sweet, amazing young women in front of the Jordan River Temple!

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