Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Worth Week: Day 4

Today I encouraged the YW to listen to these two songs: Big or Small and Strong.
Tonight's devotional was given by our beloved stake YW President. She began by sharing this beautiful video by President Hinckley: The Light Within You
Then President Tye said that she prayed to find something she could share with the YW. She asked each of us to think about what makes us special. What makes you you? (She then had each young woman share.) She invited us to spend a few minutes thinking about what makes you special and write it down. She asked why are we all different? Why did Heavenly Father make us with so many different strengths, talents and personalities? One reason is it makes the world more interesting. But it also helps us learn from each other. Then she played this video, Glorious: As we listened, she asked us to think about what is special about each of us and how together we can be something grand.
She shared the photo collage that I shared a few days ago of multiple flowers. She talked about how each flower is beautiful...but they are beautiful in different ways. What makes one beautiful is different than what makes another different. Similarly, we each have our own strengths and talents and weaknesses. We are all beautiful and glorious in our own way. We shouldn't compare our strengths or talents to others' talents or gifts. She was once telling her best friend that she wished she could do some of the things that her best friend can do. Her best friend said that Melissa can do things she can't...such as plan a wonderful party. She realized that her talents could bless her best friend's life just as her best friend's talents bless her life. She reminded us that we are royalty. We don't have to be voted in or try out or go in front of a judge to be chosen. We were born royalty through our divine inheritance. Our limits are endless because of Christ. Christ voted for us so we can claim what is ours. We are queens already. President Tye told us that we are wonderful and amazing and strong. When you don't feel wonderful or strong, call out in prayer. Christ has already paid the price to claim us. We are already royalty by birth, because we are daughters of a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. "Remember who you are and whose you are."

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