Sunday, June 27, 2021

Connect Youth Conference

 This weekend our stake had youth conference.  It was a lot of fun. The theme was quest to connect  (based around Helaman 3:6) and there were activities to connect with other youth, connect with God, and connect with ancestors.  The stake began planning youth conference back in January and back then we didn't know what summer would be like concerning Covid. The vaccine was just beginning to be released for adults and it seemed likely that it wouldn't be released for teens until late summer (thankfully it was released earlier than that.)  Everyone was still wearing masks and many people hadn't returned to church.  So our stake took a very cautious approach to youth conference...holding most of the activities at the stake center and not doing anything overnight.  

It ended up being wonderful.  First and foremost, things are much better with the virus now.  We didn't have to wear masks (though some people did which is absolutely fine!)  And the weather has been incredibly hot over the past two or so weeks.  But it rained a bit on Thursday (so needed!) and the weather cooled off a bit.  It was still warm, but not unbearably so.  A member of our stake that is in the Granger Single Adult ward has put on carnivals before and she volunteered to basically run the carnival for the youth...and it was amazing!  Lots of members of the single adult ward came to help run the games and it was such a fun evening for the youth.  Friendships were strengthened and hopefully testimonies were strengthened as well.  

On Saturday, we drove to Magnolia Grove Reception Center and then walked from there to the Jordan River Temple.  Then we had some quiet time for pondering.  I became pretty emotional.  I think it was a combination of things.  First, I was just so happy to be on the temple grounds.  I love the temple so much.  And the temple is about to move to Phase 3, so I'll be able to visit the temple at the end of July to do baptisms, initiatories and an endowment session, so that made me so happy.  But also there was this incredible feeling of peace.  Things have felt troubling lately, but for a little while, things felt right in the world again.  And I felt so strongly that God loves His children and that even when I don't understand things I can trust in that.

Also, I felt such gratitude for the youth program.  For the way it strengthens the youth and blesses their lives.  And for the privilege and opportunity I have to be a part of it.  I love the youth.  I love being a part of these experiences with my daughters.  (I'm also super grateful that they have other leaders as well that teach them and set examples for them.  I know they need to learn the gospel from others and not just me.)  

And I felt such happiness that we could be together.  There haven't been big gatherings like this for about 15 months, and so it was so wonderful to see these youth playing and talking and laughing and bearing testimony and growing stronger together.

Sara said to me at the temple that she had seen so many little tender mercies throughout youth conference.  (She is in the stake YW Presidency and therefore was heavily involved in the planning and carrying out of youth conference.)  And she said, "If God cares about something like youth conference and all these tiny little details for something like this, then I know He cares about the details of my life as well."  And I know that's true.  

I also felt such gratitude for my covenants and I want to strive to keep my covenants as well as I can.  I feel a little more connected to heaven and definitely more connected to my stake after this weekend and I am so grateful.

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