Sunday, September 26, 2021

Priesthood Keys Ella/Gabby

 Ella and Gabby taught in YW today.  I helped them prepare their lesson.  I gave them a bunch of ideas and then they decided which ideas they liked and then I helped them write it out.  I probably helped more than I should have.  But they did a great job presenting the lesson.

Here's the outline we created together:



Ask for 2 volunteers.  Once you have two volunteers, explain that they will have 30 seconds to make as many bubbles as they can.  But they can’t move their bowl/table.  (Have one girl make bubbles with her cord plugged in and the other not plugged in and too far to reach to plug it in.) 


We are going to talk about… priesthood authority and priesthood power. We noted how both our participants had the same good intentions. Both knew what they needed to do to make the bubbles. Both had the same equipment – aprons, bowls, water, dish soap, and hand mixers. The only difference was that one had power to accomplish the task, and one did not. She tried her best with her own strength, but her efforts fell far short. I asked how this example could be applied to the variety of religions today. 

Next we opened the Doctrine & Covenants to Section 13    (Call on someone to read)   where are recorded the words spoken by John the Baptist to both Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery. Before we read, I asked them, and now I ask you, to identify as many truths concerning the priesthood of God there for the finding: 


“Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Levi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness.” 


Ask the young women what they learned from the verse:  Discuss!  (*If no one answers immediately, wait for a minute.) 

In this thirteenth section, though one verse in total, we found six very important truths  

  1. The priesthood of God was given to men on the earth in modern times. 

  1. The priesthood of God had been on the earth before, but had obviously been removed  because John says it would ‘never be taken again’. 

  1. The priesthood of God must be conferred upon a man by someone who already has the priesthood; and under the direction, or with the permission, of Jesus Christ. 

  1. The Aaronic priesthood must be held before the Melchizedek priesthood can be held. 

  1. Keys – the authority to use the priesthood power –  are separate from the priesthood power itself. 

  1. Ordinances of the gospel, and functions of the Church, must be performed by someone with the priesthood and the keys to use it. 


(This first part came from a lesson shared on Mormon Women Stand.

Gabby:   Tell the story of keys from Elder Stevenson’s in your own words. 


Then ask:  So what are priesthood keys?  Who can explain what a priesthood key is in their own words? 


Ella:  Explain that there are two talks.  The first talk is Spiritual Treasures.  It was given by President Nelson to the women of the church in 2019.  The second talk is Where Are the Keys and Authority of the Priesthood? By Elder Gary E. Stevenson.    We are going to put you into 2 groups and have you read the talk and then create a poster to explain the most important ideas you learn.   We’ll give you about 10 minutes to read the talk, discuss it and work together to create a poster. Then you’ll teach the rest of us what you learned about the priesthood from the talk. 


(Then give them about 10 minutes to work.  Then have them share with the whole group their poster and what they learned.) 


Ella:  Have someone read D&C 107:18-19 and discuss the blessings that are listed there.   


Watch 3 minute clip of Don’t Miss This (start at 25 minutes in and go to 28 minutes and about 15 seconds) which explains these blessings.   


SAY:  SO first, it is really important to understand that this isn’t just for men.  WE all receive blessings from the priesthood and ultimately, the goal is for ALL of us to become gods and goddesses, priests and priestesses, kings and queens.  The priesthood helps prepare all of us to become like God...and in verse 18, it says these blessings are for the church...not just those who are ordained to priesthood offices, but all those who make and keep covenants through baptism and then eventually temple ordinances.  ANd if we do that, then we are promised that we will receive revelation, have the ministering of angels, have truth and knowledge, and even be able to see the Savior and the Father.  Those are incredible blessings. 


Ella Give everyone a piece of chalk.  Tell them each to list 1-3 blessings they have received from the priesthood.  How has the priesthood helped them or what has the priesthood done for them?  They write these on the board.  Then you will read these out loud and see if there’s anything else that they want to add. 


*IF there is enough time, bear your testimony of the priesthood.   

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