Sunday, September 9, 2012

Threshold Ritual

Awhile ago, I read The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. This summer I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Both had some helpful advice/tips to increase joy and peace. I have been meaning to blog about The Happiness Project and haven't gotten to it...mainly because I read it right before my vacations to Canada and Colorado and had so much happy blogging to do about these trips.

Well, I was reading Brene Brown's blog the other day when she shared that Rubin has just published a new book, "Happier at Home". (Think I need to add that to my To Read list on Goodreads!) She shared one thing that she had read and applied that has brought joy to her life. It is called a threshold ritual. Rubin has a saying that she repeats each day as she is about to enter her home. Brown has a saying she repeats each morning as she pours her coffee and another as she enters her office.(To read about Brown's threshold rituals, go here.

I thought this was a lovely idea. With three wonderful children and a full time job, I often feel a little harried. I love my kids, my home, my husband and my job...but I am often rushing. So I decided this week that as I arrive at my classroom each morning and unlock the door, I will say a short prayer of gratitude for the blessing it is to be a teacher and have a job I love. It is truly a short prayer...but it has helped me to have a positive attitude and remember how thankful I am for what I do.
I would like to add some kind of threshold ritual for myself as I come home each day. Right outside our front door, we have wind chimes. Gabby loves to hit them, and they are very pretty sounding. I'm thinking that I will tap them (or let Gabby) and then repeat some phrase about parenting. Just trying to find the right phrase. I'd love a quote that is meaningful and will help me to remember what a blessing it is to have young children at home. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Jenny. I would love to hear the one you decide on.
