Friday, March 17, 2017

Seeing Green

Forget green eggs and ham (or corned beef and cabbage)!  We found much tastier foods to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

For breakfast, I made cinnamon rolls...and put a little bit of green frosting on them.  Then after work that evening, I made sugar cookies which I decorated with green clovers.  I was surprised/impressed that they actually looked like clovers.

For a lunch meeting at work, I made pesto ravioli. It's one of our favorite recipes. 

 For dinner we ate chicken pesto sandwiches with cilantro (and tomatoes and mozzarella cheese).  We drank green fruit and vegetable juice.  And Alfredo and I have been having green smoothies almost every night, so we had a green smoothie that evening.  Fun evening!

And even better than all of that?   Michelle and her friends Teya, Liv and Keaton have been working most of the year on a website about Fred Korematsu and the Japanese Internment Camps. for the National History Day.  They went to the regional competition on St. Patrick's Day and their group took third place for websites so they will continue on to the state competition on April 29.
Michelle ready to head to the regional competition

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