Friday, April 27, 2018

Odds N Ends

Life is good.  Busy and not a whole lot that is super exciting to write about, but it's good.  Here are just a few things that have happened lately.

We went to Hunter High's dance concert a couple of weeks ago.  Annie and Halee were in it as well as several of Michelle's friends.  My very favorite dance was one that Annie and Halee were in with one other dancer.  It was called Spelling Bee and it was awesome. I can't really describe it but it combined Shakespeare, spelling and dancing and it was powerful!
Here is Michelle after the dance concert with a couple of her friends.

On April 6, Alfredo called me to see if we wanted to go to a Bees game.  It was opening night and he got free tickets from work.  He only had 4 tickets so the girls and I went.  I ran into Barb, a teacher I worked with at Parkview.  We also saw the Simmons' family from our ward.  I'm not a huge fan of baseball, but it was fun to have 3rd row seats and spend time with the girls.

We try to have someone over for dinner about once a month.  A couple of weeks ago, we had the Bennetts over.  I really enjoy having the opportunity to get to know them better.  Then this past Sunday we had Immanuel and Denise over.  Usually when we have company over for dinner, Alfredo does the cooking.  He's such a great cook.  But not only does he cook well, but he cares about presentation.  On Sunday, he made a mango flower.  I sure love him and appreciate all he does.

And today I went to the temple with my dear friend Sara.  It was such a beautiful day...the weather was gorgeous, the flowers are blooming, and the peace and serenity in the temple calm my sometimes troubled spirit.  And I love being around Sara.  It was a perfect way to spend part of my day off work.

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