Sunday, May 20, 2018

Jordan River Temple Rededication/Cultural Celebration

Cultural Celebration:  On Facebook, I wrote: "Today was a fantastic day! The youth of the Jordan River Temple district held their cultural celebration today. They have learned, grown and become READY over the past two months. They are remarkable and the spirit in the celebration was one I won't forget. There is real power when people...whether children, teens or adults...serve, share their talents, and live what they believe. I am so impressed by these youth. It was fun to watch them sing, dance, play instruments, and bear testimony of the Savior and the temple and the miracles they've experienced. I love these youth more than I can adequately express."

I was touched as I was reading my scriptures the night before the dedication to read these words: Joshua 3:5: " And Joshua said into the people, sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you." This is certainly true.

On our Young Women's Facebook page, I shared this:  "When the Cornerstone was laid for the Logan Utah Temple President George Q Cannon said, "Every foundation stone that is laid for a temple, and every temple completed... lessens the power of Satan on the earth, and increases the power of God and Godliness, moves the heavens in mighty power in our behalf, invokes and calls down upon us the blessings of eternal Gods and those who reside in their presence."
Today is a sacred day. When I was born 42 years ago (146 years after the Church was organized), there were 16 dedicated temples on the Earth. The Jordan River Temple became the 20th, just a few years later. Now I believe there are 159, with more announced. Think of the increase of power and Godliness that represents! I truly hope that over the past two months, your faith and testimony have increased and you have a greater desire to be worthy to attend the temple often. I cannot adequately express my love for the Savior, the temple or for you!"

Temple Dedication:   I so often find that words just aren't quite adequate to express what I'm thinking and feeling inside. My main thing I came away with was to remember...remember the covenants I have made, remember those who came before and seek them out, remember the things I felt this weekend, remember that the purpose of this life is to return to God's presence, remember that the Savior is always there to help me.  We know what we should do...we just have to remember to do it...and remember how compassionate and loving God and Christ are to us. One other thing that stood out is that we appreciate more the things for which we sacrifice...I have been thinking about sacrifice this week...and want to ponder what more I can/should sacrifice as an individual but also how I can better provide opportunities for my children to sacrifice.

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