Sunday, August 5, 2018

Wrestling with doubts or questions

I serve in the young women's organization in my ward which I love!   But on fast Sundays, we send one young woman leader to Relief Society to participate in the council meeting.  Today our council meeting was based on this talk by Sheri Dew, given at a BYU Idaho Devotional. 

I took notes and our Relief Society President asked me to share them on our Facebook group.  I thought I'd share my notes here because it was a wonderful meeting.  These are summaries of what people said, not their exact words...and I inserted a few of my thoughts here and there (mostly at the very end.) 

Our Relief Society President began by sharing about how a few weeks ago, she had to work all Sunday and missed church and several meetings. She was feeling discouraged and feeling like she wasn't fulfilling her calling as RS President as well as she wanted and maybe she should ask to be released. After praying about things, she felt that she had been called at this time and that she just needed to do her best. She felt the Lord's love for her and that He would help her until it was someone else's turn to be called.
She shared this quote from Sheri Dew: "Our society seems determined to set aside any semblance of faith or right and wrong. But the world's condition today is no surprise to the Lord, who told the Prophet Joseph that we are living in the "eleventh hour," that this is the last time He will call laborers into His vineyard, and that His vineyard has become "corrupted."[iii] But the Lord also declared that in the midst of all this moral and spiritual chaos, the fullness of His gospel would be "proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world."[iv] And He promised that if we would open our mouths, they would be filled."
Heavenly Father chose you to be here at this time and He has hard things for you to do...but He will help you to do those things.
We need to pray for help and do the best we can do.
Heavenly Father didn't send us here to fail. When things seem hard or confusing or we feel like we can't do the things we are supposed to, remember that the Lord believes you can successfully maneuver through the challenges you face with His have confidence in yourself.
God has given us power. God loves us. When we are struggling, we are not alone. He loves us so much. There are always things we could find to be bitter or angry about, but there are also always things we can find to be grateful for.
Somer shared the story that Sheri Dew told of two young adults coming to her with questions. When the first was asked if she wanted to have a testimony, she said yes...and she was willing to work for it. The second said she didn't think she did want a testimony. So when we have questions or doubts or when trials come, we need to want to strengthen our testimony.
When questions arise, continue to read and study. Have hope.
Several sisters shared sister shared her medical challenges and how the Lord has blessed her through them. Another sister said that she is disabled and relies on many others to help care for her...and that she isn't sure who is more blessed...her to receive so much service or those who serve her, but she testified that the Lord loves us. Another sister shared that a friend's son had questions after his mission and he began searching online and found things that troubled him more and more and his faith dwindled. Another sister shared how heartbreaking it is to watch loved ones turn away. She shared how when she was teaching seminary, she began to really research why blacks did not receive the priesthood and the questions she had regarding that and how much of a struggle it was for her. (But now I know she has some really wonderful insights that she has shared with others that have deepened my faith.)
It's okay to have fact questions are good...but where do we go for our answers? We should go toward the Lord for answers. We should seek help from those we can trust and who can help us draw nearer to the Lord. Look up.
We also need to learn to seek for and receive the spirit. We need to learn how the spirit speaks to us. We need to learn how to discern. Sheri Dew spoke a bit about this...and President Nelson spoke about receiving revelation in the most recent conference. (Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives)
Trust the Lord. Proverbs 3: 5-6 gives great comfort...The Lord knows and wants what is best for us...we need to trust in Him and not our own understanding.
When questions arise or we begin getting mired in deep doctrine or historical concerns, go back to what you do know...those plain and precious truths that you know and hold dear. You are a child of God. Joseph Smith was a prophet. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. God loves you.
None of us are entitled to revelation without effort. The Lord expects us to have questions and to seek answers.
Questions are good...We're here to learn.
It's okay not to know everything. (Just after church today I read this article, and I love what he says about his black box and the questions he has:  "Your Voice Matters"...Elder Pearson)
Heavenly Father doesn't always answer us in the way that we expect or at the time that we want him to. But He does hear us and He does answer in the way that is best for us.
Anything of light is of God. Anything that is good, that bears the fruits of the spirit (joy, peace, love, kindness, patience), is of God. So as you try to discern where a thought or feeling is coming from, if it brings light or peace or joy or love, then it is from God. If it brings confusion, darkness, sorrow, etc. then it is not from God.
I shared that a year or so ago, I was going through a trial that felt really difficult for me. I did a lot of searching and reading and study and prayer. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was with a friend and she was going through an experience that was very similar to the trial I had...and I was able to share some insights, some resources, and some comfort with was one of my best experiences ministering and I felt the spirit whisper that part of the reason I experienced what I did was so that I could use it to gain greater empathy and to help others. A couple more thoughts, because we were short on time and I don't feel like I really expressed what I wanted to very well: The things we experience can help us draw closer to God and can, if we look for them, help us to see the tender mercies that he sends us. The things we experience can help us be better able to help others, to strengthen their faith and to minister to them when they are struggling. What if Sheri Dew had never had any questions or wrestled with any issues? Would she have been prepared to help that young woman who wanted a testimony but who had many doubts and questions? Would she be able to teach all of us with such power and conviction that questions are good, but that we should turn toward God (not away from Him) when we have those questions? And finally, one other thought I had at the beginning of RS when we talked about how challenging this time period is that we live in...there's no doubt about that...this is a challenging time to live! But it's also such a blessed time to live! We have a prophet of God on the Earth. We can listen to or read his words every day, if we choose to. (That's an exercise I recommend...I've been studying one of his talks each day this summer and my testimony and faith have been so strengthened by that experience!) We have the Book of Mormon and other scriptures to strengthen us. There are so many wonderful resources available for us. The gospel is spreading throughout the world. President Nelson said, "Our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, will perform some of His mightiest works between now and when He comes again. We will see miraculous indications that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, preside over this Church in majesty and glory." There is a lot that is exciting!! If you haven't, I recommend listening to the worldwide youth devotional that President and Sister Nelson gave in June...I left that meeting feeling so very, very, very thankful to be alive at this time and a member of this Church now. Yes, there are challenges, but there is help and hope available. 

I added a bunch of my own thoughts there at the end...and my notes are long. Brevity is NOT one of my strengths.  But this was a wonderful meeting!

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