Thursday, August 27, 2020

Broken Promise Candy

 We had very little money when I was a child.  One day my mom had taken me to a store and while there she purchased a candy bar for me.  That was a special treat and she didn't buy candy bars for my sisters.  She asked me not to tell them that she bought me the candy bar as they would feel bad.  I promised.

Later that day my sisters were being annoying (in my mind) so I gleefully told them that I got a candy bar and they didn't.  My mom heard me.  I don't know if she said anything at all...but I could tell she was disappointed.  She might have said something like "you broke your promise" or she might just have given me a sad look.  But I felt terrible.  All these years later, I remember those feelings of having broken m y promise.  I hated knowing that my mom was disappointed.  I want to make her proud and pleased, not disappointed.  

LESSONS LEARNED:  I've tried to live in a way that would please my  mom (and especially my Heavenly Parents) not disappoint them.

Keep your word.  Be honest.

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