Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Liv Greatest Cause

A little background.  We had youth conference last week and had a military theme.  One of our youth leaders shared this message as part of youth conference:

 This past week at soccer practice, my coaches brought in a few people from the Marine Corps to hold a training with us. I was very impressed at their discipline and respect for their unit. You could tell by the way that they acted and spoke that they were very proud and honored to be in the unit they were. These soldiers talked about how they had sacrificed so much and worked so hard to be able to be a soldier. They had suffered physical, mental, and emotional pains. I compared this to being a soldier in Christ, and it made me wonder if I was holding the same upmost respect for my unit, and if I was making the same amount of sacrifices. As important as the Marine Corps is, being a soldier in the army of God is so much more important. We have been called by a divine being to serve and support him and his cause. And lucky for us, the fate of our war is predetermined. We already know that our God will win, it’s just up to us how early and how fiercely we will support Him. His cause is greater than anything else going on in our lives.  The Marine Corps goes through an insane amount of training before they go out into the battlefield. Just like how they need to prepare, we need to prepare spiritually to fight in the army of God. We need to fortify our faith in order to survive the temptations of the world. We can do that by doing the small and simple things, such as praying every day and reading our scriptures just like the prophets have asked. Heavenly Father will always help us in our battles. As long as we are doing our best, he will do the rest. We don’t need to fear failure because we know that due to the sacrifice of his son, we can always come back from any mistake. This is the most important battle to ever take place, and we have been asked to fight in it.

LESSONS:  The greatest cause/greatest battle is whether we will choose good and stand with God.  It’s worth any sacrifice or effort.

Sacrifice is required to yield positive results.

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