Saturday, October 16, 2021

Temple Counsel and Thoughts

 A couple of days ago the Instagram page Work and Wonder created a post about the temple and asked for any pro tips for making temple experiences more meaningful.  There were some really beautiful ideas shared and I wanted to remember some of them.

Some  of the things I shared were these:\

First and foremost, I echo President Nelson's words to go more often!  In the periods when I go often I have more positive experiences and my love for the temple grows.  Revelation flows more easily.  But...I would also say that it's like almost anything.  I have moments when I open my scriptures and receive incredible insights or answers to prayer and I am deeply impacted and edified.  But I also have times when the experience is less incredible and while I am glad I read my scriptures (or went to church or served my neighbor) it isn't always an awe-inspiring event.  That's normal.  But I think the consistency in doing those things allows my mind and heart to be prepared and gets me in the right place to be ready when the great moments come.  The temple is the same way...a lot of times it's really good but nothing spectacular...but the consistency allows for those moments when earth meets heaven and the divine envelops my soul.

When I am specifically studying or pondering something or come with a question, I am more likely to receive insights. 

Also, it's likely you have had more great experiences than you realize.  During Covid, when I was desperately missing the temple,the spirit whispered to me to write about my favorite moments in the temple.  Immediately several came to mind.  But as I began to write, more experiences came.  I ended up adding more for several days.  I felt like I was on a spiritual high for a couple of weeks after because I was remembering all the times the temple had been a refuge, a place of peace and a place where the heavens opened.

It won’t always work but when possible I try to make going to the temple a special occasion.  If I have a day off work I invite a friend to go with me and we usually have lunch together after.  Right before Covid, I asked many of my friends to attend the temple with me for my birthday.  When life is stressful I gift myself an appointment at the temple.  By making it feel like a special treat, I look forward to it and when my week feels overwhelming I am a lot less likely to cancel because instead of feeling like it’s one more thing to do, it feels like a reward for doing all the hard things.  That shift in perspective makes a difference. 

If possible, take family names.  There's something special about doing work for your own ancestors.  And if you get the chance, at some point, do every ordinance in order on the same day. The insights you gain from this are pretty incredible!

And finally study the temple outside of the temple (scriptures, conference talks, books, etc.)

Some of the other good ideas that were shared:

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