In 2018, Bishop Carlson extended a challenge to the youth of the ward to study every General Conference talk given by our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson since his call as an apostle. That summer we read one talk a day. I created a Facebook group for this challenge and invited other friends to join me in reading all of these talks...really intending for it to be a short term group for the duration of this challenge. But when the challenge ended, I decided to use the group to act on invitations President Nelson had extended. And now, here it is 4 years and a few months later and the group has grown enormously (I think we had about 25 new members join just this weekend.) And every 6 months I create a new challenge to try to implement the counsel and invitations that President Nelson has given. I am about to begin creating our next challenge as we just had conference this weekend. I've heard a few people on social media comment that President Nelson's concluding talk seemed like a goodbye. I hope they are wrong. I am going to grieve when he dies because he has changed my life through his invitations. I have learned and grown and I hope I'm a better disciple of Christ.
I was glancing over the past 6 month challenge and thought...I haven't done as well as I should have at recording my insights and learning...but I would at least love to keep a copy of what I studied. Some weeks were busy and so I didn't read every single thing in the challenge...but I read most. I listened to most of Emily Freeman's Inkling videos as well. I think I have increased my spiritual momentum. I have been taught by the spirit. I am so grateful.
April: Conversion/Building Momentum/Managing Time
April 11: President Nelson Now is the Time
April 12: Act: What Can YOU do today/this week to build momentum or strengthen your conversion or manage your time better?
April 13: Scripture Reading: Easter Readings...what have you read this week in Come Follow Me that has helped you to build spiritual momentum or helped you determine how to better manage your time
April 15: Bonus if time: Alma 34.
April 17: Reflect on week. How well did you manage your time? What can you do this week to improve? What helped you begin to build or maintain spiritual momentum?
April 18: President Nelson, Spiritual Momentum
April 19: Act: What Can YOU do today/this week to build momentum or strengthen your conversion or manage your time better?
April 20: CFM: Exodus 18-20 How do these chapters strengthen your conversion? How do they help you build positive spiritual momentum?
April 22: Bonus Reading: 3 Nephi 12
April 24: Reflect on week. How well did you manage your time? What can you do this week to improve? What helped you begin to build or maintain spiritual momentum?
April 25: Sister Craven, Do What Mattereth Most
April 26: Act: What Can YOU do today/this week to build momentum or strengthen your conversion or manage your time better?
April 27: CFM: Exodus 24; 31-34 How do these chapters strengthen your conversion? How do they help you build positive spiritual momentum?
April 29: Bonus reading: James 1
May: Covenant Path
May 1: Reflect on the month of April. What went well? What did you learn? Are you feeling your spiritual momentum increasing? What would help you to continue to progress?
May 2: Conversion to the Will of God, Cook
June: Discover the Joy of Daily Repentance
June 1: CFM: Judges 2-4, 6-8, 13-16
June 3: Guide to the Scriptures: Repentance
June 5: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? How has repentance blessed your life? Have you seen God's hand in your life? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
June 6: Elder Cook, Conversion to the Will of God
June 7: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? Can you incorporate daily repentance? Do you notice an increase in joy as you repent? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
June 8: CFM: Ruth 1-4, 1 Samuel 1-3
June 10: Additional reading: What does Alma 5 teach you about repentance and having a change of heart? Is there a question that especially touches you? Is there a question that you would like to ponder for the next week or for this month that might guide you as you seek daily repentance?
June 12: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? How has repentance blessed your life? Have you seen God's hand in your life? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
June 13: Elder Renlund: Your Divine Nature and Eternal Destiny
June 14: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? Can you incorporate daily repentance? Do you notice an increase in joy as you repent? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
June 15: CFM: 1 Samuel 8-10, 13, 15-18
June 17: Additional reading:
June 19: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? How has repentance blessed your life? Have you seen God's hand in your life? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
June 20: Elder Hamilton: Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong
June 21: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? Can you incorporate daily repentance? Do you notice an increase in joy as you repent? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
June 22: CFM: 2 Samuel 5-7, 11-12, 1 Kings 3, 8, 11
June 24: Additional reading: Alma 36-38
June 26: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? How has repentance blessed your life? Have you seen God's hand in your life? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
June 27: Elder Ochoa: Is the Plan Working?
June 28: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? Can you incorporate daily repentance? Do you notice an increase in joy as you repent? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
June 29: 1 Kings 17-19
July: Focus: Learn about God and How He Works
*My meaningful way of studying conference talks.
July 3: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? Have you seen God's hand in your life? What have you learned about God this week? Have you grown closer to Him? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
July 4: D. Todd Christofferson, Our Relationship with God
July 5: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? How can you learn about God and how He works? How can you notice what He is doing in your life? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
July 6: 2 Kings 2-7 and Thoughts to Keep in Mind: “Jesus Will Say to All Israel, ‘ Come Home’”
July 10: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? Have you seen God's hand in your life? What have you learned about God this week? Have you grown closer to Him? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
July 11: Susan Porter: Lessons at the Well
July 12: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? How can you learn about God and how He works? How can you notice what He is doing in your life? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
July 13: 2 Kings 17-25
July 17: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? Have you seen God's hand in your life? What have you learned about God this week? Have you grown closer to Him? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
July 18: President Dallin H. Oaks: Divine Love in the Father’s Plan
July 19: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? How can you learn about God and how He works? How can you notice what He is doing in your life? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
July 20: Ezra 1, 3-7; Nehemial 2, 4-6, 8
July 24: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? Have you seen God's hand in your life? What have you learned about God this week? Have you grown closer to Him? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
July 25: Michael T. Ringwood: For God So Loved Us
July 26: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? How can you learn about God and how He works? How can you notice what He is doing in your life? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
July 27: Esther
July 31: July 3: Reflect: Think over your week. What have you learned? Have you taken time to repent daily? Have you seen God's hand in your life? What have you learned about God this week? Have you grown closer to Him? Have you experienced any miracles, small or great? If you would like to share anything you have learned or experienced, we would welcome your comments here!
August: Seek and Expect Miracles
August 1: Amy Wright: Christ Heals that Which is Broken
August 2: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What can you do this week to seek for or expect or notice miracles? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
August 3: Job 1-3, 12-14, 19, 21-24, 38-40, 42
August 5: Additional reading:
Aug. 7: Reflect
August 8: Elder Holland: Fear Not: Believe Only!
August 9: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What can you do this week to seek for or expect or notice miracles? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
August 10: CFM: Psalms 1-2, 8, 19-33, 40, 46
August 12: Listen to this song and share any thoughts:
August 14: Reflect
August 15: Elder Stevenson: Love, Share, Invite
August 16: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What can you do this week to seek for or expect or notice miracles? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
August 17: CFM: Psalms 49-51, 61-66, 69-72, 77-78, 85-86
Aug. 19: Additional reading: Donald Hallstrom: Has the Day of Miracles Ceased?
Aug. 21: Reflect
August 22: Elder Kearon: He is Risen
August 23: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What can you do this week to seek for or expect or notice miracles? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
August 24: CFM: Psalms 102-103, 110, 116-119, 127-128, 135-139, 146-150
Aug. 26: Moroni 7
Aug. 28: Reflect
August 29: Elder Kacher: Ladder of Faith
August 30: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What can you do this week to seek for or expect or notice miracles? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior?
August 31: Proverbs 1-4, 15-16, 22, 31; Ecclesiastes 1-3, 11-12 and Thoughts to Keep in Mind: Prophets and Prophecy
September: End Conflict in your Personal Life
Sept. 4: Reflect
September 5: Elder Rasband: To Heal the World
September 6: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior? How can you work to end conflict in your personal life? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there a relationship that you could seek to mend? Is there a relationship that you could pray to have Christ heal?
September 7: CFM: Isaiah 1-12
September 9: Additional reading: Neill Marriott: Abiding in God and Repairing the Breach
Sept. 11: Reflect
September 12: Elder Andersen: Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker
Sept. 13: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior? How can you work to end conflict in your personal life? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there a relationship that you could seek to mend? Is there a relationship that you could pray to have Christ heal?
September 14: CFM: Isaiah 13-14, 24-30, 35
September 16: Additional reading: Elder Holland: Be Ye Therefore Perfect...Eventually
Sept. 18: Reflect
September 19: Elder Gong: We Each Have a Story
Sept. 20: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior? How can you work to end conflict in your personal life? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there a relationship that you could seek to mend? Is there a relationship that you could pray to have Christ heal?
September 21: Isaiah 40-49
September 23: Additional reading: Resolving Conflict Using Gospel Principles
September 25: Reflect on the past 6 months. What have you learned? What improvements have you made? Has your spiritual momentum increased? Have you experienced miracles, small or great? What especially stands out? What part of President Nelson’s invitation was especially helpful or meaningful to you?
September 26: President Nelson: Preaching the Gospel of Peace
AND Elder Soares: In Awe of Christ and His Gospel
Sept. 27: Act: what can you do today and this week to build your spiritual momentum? What will help you to draw closer to the Savior? How can you work to end conflict in your personal life? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there a relationship that you could seek to mend? Is there a relationship that you could pray to have Christ heal?
Sept. 28: CFM: Isaiah 50-57
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