Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I love watching conference. I was upstairs finishing up the breakfast dishes when the first session started on Saturday morning. Michelle started calling, "Mommy, mommy President Hinckley is on." I told her I would be right down. She told me to hurry so I didn't miss him. When I came down, she scolded me, "Mommy, you missed President Hinckley talking." (I missed his welcome to conference/announcement of opening song/prayer; not an actual talk.)

My favorite moment had to be when Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin was speaking. He began shaking as he spoke. Elder Nelson came up and stood beside him and supported him as he continued giving a beautiful talk about service and love. And then several apostles helped him back to his seat. Somehow, to me, this testified of the truthfulness of the gospel as much as any of the talks. The love that these men have for each other is evident; they show that love by their words and just as much by their deeds. I want to be more like these great men... to notice when others need help and to give that aid without being asked. To just notice what others need and to then do it.

Confession time, though. Ella woke up about 15 minutes before the Saturday afternoon session ended. She usually wakes up fairly happy from naps, but on Saturday she was crying and crying. Then Michelle called to me. She was in the office and had gotten into my scrapbooking stamp pads and had stamped her chest and stomach and had gotten ink on the carpet. She knows not to play with the stamp pads and knew she was in trouble. She started to cry. I yelled at her and completely lost my temper with her. I ended up turning the last ten minutes off because both girls were crying and I couldn't hear and I was so frustrated. Here I was, listening to conference and I am losing my temper. I'm so not to "perfection" yet. Oops. The rest of the day/weekend went much better and considering how young my girls are, they did a good job of playing quietly and half listening to conference. They noticed anytime someone said "Jesus" or "Joseph Smith" or "temple" or "President Hinckley". They are good girls.

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