Sunday, October 28, 2007

Almost a Christian

Last Sunday, in Sunday School, we read in Acts 26:26-28 where King Agrippa (after Paul has testified to him) says, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." The Sunday School teacher then read a great quote, that I'm 99% sure she said was from President Harold B. Lee. I've tried to find it and actually found a similar quote given by President Faust back in 1979. Essentially, in both, they caution us to not be like King Agrippa and be "almost a Christian." Do Here are President Faust's words:

"Almost. What a heartbreaking sound is the word “almost”! Almost some of our good members keep the Word of Wisdom, or just about go to priesthood meeting and sacrament meeting, or almost hold family home evening. Some of us almost but not quite—pay our tithing.
Since the time of the Savior there have been those who believed, but for social pressures have been fearful of standing up and being counted as believers." (in Canadian Area Conference, 1979).

The quote our Sunday school teacher read asked, Do we almost ponder the scriptures or almost do our visiting teaching or almost go to the temple regularly? This has really caused me to reflect over the past week. I do have a testimony of Christ. I do consider myself a Christian. Yet, I know that sometimes, it is easy for me to get busy and put off doing things that are important but not pressing. I am sometimes guilty of these sins of omission as Elder Maxwell often referred to them. I'm usually not doing things that are bad, but I am not always doing the things that are best.

I went to a fireside about a month ago where Alex Boye' spoke. He is an amazing and talented singer. The spirit was strong and it was an amazing meeting. Anyway, he said, "We can only become like that which we know about and think about." In other words, if I want to be like the prophets or like Christ, I need to faithfully study the scriptures, think about their words, and come to know my Savior personally. In John 17:3 it says, "And this is life eternal, that they (ME!) might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." I want eternal life!

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