Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Graduate

Mirielle, our now five year old, graduated from preschool on Friday. The first of at least 4 graduations... preschool, junior high, high school, college. (Most schools even do 6th grade, so perhaps five 5 graduations are in her future...) This graduation was primarily a singing program where they reviewed what they had learned each month this year and sang a song to go with it. Each child came up and told something that they learned and then they were presented with their "diploma". I have been so impressed with all that Ella has learned this year. It's amazing all that she remembers and comes home to tell me.

Ella with her sweet preschool teacher, Miss Becky.

A funny thing about graduation. Ella hates having her hair done. Most days we're happy to get it in a pony tail. If we're having a real happy morning, we might get a quick bun or pig tails. But for graduation, I talked her into letting me do a pretty twist around her head, ending in a bun. It really did look pretty. I should have taken pictures before she left for school, but I didn't. When I arrived at her preschool graduation, she had pulled her hair completely out and it was just loose. It didn't look bad, but it didn't look as nice as it had. Oh well. That's my Ella, for you!


  1. I know how you feel about the hair. Xar never leaves her hair in anymore! Silly girls! :) Congratulations, Ella! You are such a big girl now! :)

  2. What a cutie. Congrats little graduate.

    I know what you mean about the hair. Every morning, Gracie asks me to do her hair, so I do. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY....because within 10 minutes, she pulls it out.

  3. Congratulations Ella! Look out kindergarten!
