Friday, December 21, 2018

Sadie is home!

I love serving in Young Women's so much!  It's such a blessing in my life. For many reasons.  I love serving with my two oldest daughters.  I love the young women so much and I seriously always come home from activities in a great mood.  Even on stressful or exhausting days, I feel better after spending an hour with them.  

I know our Heavenly Father loves them so very much, and I feel His love for them often.  And I learn from them and I'm blessed by them.

Sadie was one of my young women before she graduated from high school, then served a mission.  She served in the Chile Rancagua mission.  Sara was so excited for Sadie to come home.  While Sara definitely recognized the blessings of having Sadie serve, she missed her so much and was thrilled that she was coming home.  A friend created a video of Sadie's homecoming and Sadie and Sara ran into each other's arms.  There were few if any dry eyes as Sara, Chris, Halee, Tia, Liv, Austin and Gracie were reunited with their daughter/sister..and then as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were also reunited with her. As I watched the video, tears streamed down my face...partly because this is a family I love dearly.  But also because as I watched, it occurred to me that this was a small taste of how our reunions will feel after we leave this life.  We will be reunited with so many loved ones who have departed this life.  And we will be reunited with our beloved Heavenly Parents.  I imagine we will rush into their arms, just as Sadie rushed into Chris and Sara's arms.  I imagine tears of joy will be shed.  We will be so very glad to be home.  The joy that they felt on December 11 when Sadie returned home with honor is just a taste, just a glimpse into the joyous reunion that awaits us is we are faithful.  
President Benson said, “Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.”

My girls were so excited for Sadie to come home.  She's been such a great example to them.  We were going to the car to head to violin when Sara and Sadie drove past.  Sara slammed on the brakes and Sadie got out to give Michelle and me a big hug.  Then the next day, Ella asked me to buy a small treat for Sadie (she'd found out her favorite is Reese's pb cups) so we could take them to Sadie and say hello.   Sadie asked Ella if she planned to serve a mission and without hesitation, Ella said yes.  Ella's never been sure before.  But she has talked about it for the past couple of weeks now.

And one other exciting thing about Sadie being home.   I knew when I called Lindly to be my second counselor in the YW Presidency that she probably wouldn't be in the ward very long.  And she and her husband found a house so they will be leaving the ward after this next week.  But I was super sad to learn at the beginning of December that my secretary, Teresa, and her husband Chad have decided to attend the ward where they reside (they've had special permission for nearly 10 years to attend our ward even though they aren't in our boundaries).  So I needed to call a new counselor and secretary.  I felt very prompted to call Sadie to be in my presidency, and felt good about calling her to be secretary.  She accepted the call and was sustained last Sunday.  I still feel sad that Teresa is leaving, but I also know that the Lord guided me to call her and to call Sadie.  I know Sadie is going to make a difference in the lives of these precious young women, just as Sadie did.

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