Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Michelle my belle,

You are growing so quickly and turning into such a sweet, smart, beautiful young girl. I am so pleased with your kindness and with your courage. You are not afraid to try new things. You just finished an 8 week karate class. I'm not sure whether I was more excited to see you trying out the karate moves or making friends with several other little girls and jabbering away in Spanish with them. I doubt karate will be something you fall in love with or continue, but I was pleased that you were willing to try out something new and not give up even if it was a little hard.

You are doing very well in school, and you are learning to love reading. I hope that in a few years our books will be just flying off my bookshelves as you devour them...just like I do. I have a long list of chapter books to share with you as you get older, just like I've shared many of my favorite picture books. And just because you are getting older, don't think we will stop reading picture books either. There are so many lovely picture books written for older children too. I hope that our reading together will continue for many more years.

Yesterday I was able to watch you perform with your Ballet Folklorico again. I think it is neat all that you are learning as you practice dancing. You are gaining confidence and dance skills, but you are also learning about hispanic culture, making friends and having amazing opportunities to perform. I think it makes you both nervous and excited, but know that we are so proud of you.

More importantly than these things, I am pleased with what a sweet sister you are (almost all of the time). You are so good at helping with Gabrielle and you play with Ella so well. I love to watch the sweet relationships between you three girls. I am also pleased with your love of the gospel and desire to do what is right. You hate to miss church. You feel upset and sad when people don't live the way that you believe and know to be right. You have a great desire to follow the teachings of the prophets and of our Savior Jesus. You remind me if we don't have Family Home Evening. You are such a good little girl. I am so glad you are part of our family.

Love, Mommy

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