Monday, March 29, 2010

split lip but beautiful smile

We were at the park Saturday. Gabrielle was just like Michelle at this age. No fear. She climbed up the equipment, slid down the slides by herself, and was having a fabulous time. Then she decided to go for a run. I was chasing her, teasingly, and she tripped and face planted. When I picked her up, her lip was bleeding a little bit. Within about 15 or 20 minutes, it had swollen considerably. I didn't have my camera, and didn't take pictures until a day later, but it is still sore and a little swollen. Fortunately, after the first hour or so, it hasn't seemed to bother her much. She's still flashing her beautiful grin and giggling!

This last picture cracks me up!! Gabrielle is on the treadmill (turned off) and is just pumping her arms and running as fast as her little legs will take her.


  1. ahh... poor baby! Glad to hear she is still smiling, though!

  2. Oh, poor girl...glad she still has all of her teeth!!
