Monday, June 24, 2019

Law of Chastity

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach the young women about the law of chastity.  Since we have 11 year olds up to 18 year olds all combined together, I was hoping to make the lesson applicable and understandable to all.  I hope that they were able to feel the spirit and learn from the things that were shared.  I never go word for word through a lesson but I always type out everything I think I might want to say and then make adjustments as we go along...adding thoughts that pop in my head, rearranging if something goes well with a comment that a young woman makes, cutting things out if I run short of time, etc.
So this is similar to what was shared but not exact. 
(I brought my  wedding dress and some photos and my daughters' baptism dresses and blessing dresses.)
**Write words “purity”, “virtue”, “chastity” on board…give them a couple of minutes to write down what these words mean, any questions they have, how they feel about these topics, why they think these are important topics.  They can write about just one word or 2 or all 3.  Allow them to share if they would like to.

*Express deep love for them…I pray for them daily, love them, cheer them on and want so very much to teach them and help them become converted to the Lord.  Heaven would not be heaven without them there.  They are needed.  We’ll be talking about a sacred topic today, a subject that made me uncomfortable as a youth…but a topic that the Spirit has impressed upon me that we need to review.  The topic is intimacy…and while the world treats this topic casually, crudely and inappropriately, it IS a sacred and beautiful topic.

*What does it mean to be virtuous?  What does it mean to be chaste?
Refer to Proverbs 31 (virtuous woman)   Read some of the verses that describe a virtuous woman...waht stands out to them?   Virtue is more than just chastity though that is part of it.   And chastity or purity is more than not being intimate or having sex…in fact as we’ll talk about today, intimacy is an important part of the Lord’s plan for His children…but virtue refers not just to chastity but to the overall way we live our lives.  In personal progress book under virtue, we read “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10).
I will prepare to enter the temple and remain pure and worthy.
My thoughts and actions will be based on high moral standards.”  
 In the Doctrine and Covenants 121:45 we are admonished to let virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly.  Being virtuous then means being clean and pure in the ways we speak and think…it means dressing modestly…it means that we don’t criticize our selves, our leaders or others, that we don’t speak of sacred things in casual or profane ways.  Virtue encompasses a range of thoughts and actions…though today we will focus on one aspect which is chastity.

Put up definitions of virtue and chastity on the board.
For the Strength of Youth and True to the Faith.   Have a few girls read about dating standards, a few read about sexual purity, a few read "chastity" in True to the Faith.   Then share what they found…what are the standards?
What does chastity mean?

Chastity means not engaging in sexual behavior outside of marriage…avoiding sexual behavior before marriage and having complete fidelity within marriage.  I read aloud the paragraphs about what the exact standards are.

Why does the Lord have us wait until we are 8 years old to be baptized?  Why don’t we get baptized as infants?  (There are probably many reasons…but at least one is that we are spiritually prepared to make and keep the covenants associated with baptism.)  Why don’t we enter the temple to receive our endowments at age 8 right after baptism?  (Again there are probably numerous reasons but at least one is that we aren’t yet spiritually prepared or mature enough to keep the covenants associated with this ordinance.)  Today I’d like to talk about why we need to be spiritually prepared and why chastity is such an important topic.  I’ve prayed that I might be able to teach by the spirit.  I’ve reached out to your parents to let them know we’d be discussing this topic.  I hope that if you have questions, you’ll ask them…of your parents, of our beloved Bishop  or one of the YW leaders.  I have prayed that I can teach this in the manner that Heavenly Father wants me to and in a way that will help you recognize what a special gift intimacy is.  Before I say anything more, I want to BEAR TESTIMONY of our Heavenly Father’s love for you.   He knows you.  He loves you.  He wants you to be happy and He desires to bless you. 

In a beautiful talk given at BYU, Elder Holland spoke on this sacred subject.  He gave 3 reasons that chastity is so essential.  He reminded the BYU students that our purpose was to come here to Earth to gain a body and to be tested.  Elder Holland said,

QUOTE #1  Elder Holland said,  it is LDS doctrine that sexual transgression is second only to murder in the Lord’s list of life’s most serious sins. By assigning such rank to a physical appetite so conspicuously evident in all of us, what is God trying to tell us about its place in his plan for all men and women in mortality? I submit to you he is doing precisely that—commenting about the very plan of life itself. Clearly God’s greatest concerns regarding mortality are how one gets into this world and how one gets out of it. These two most important issues in our very personal and carefully supervised progress are the two issues that he as our Creator and Father and Guide wishes most to reserve to himself. These are the two matters that he has repeatedly told us he wants us never to take illegally, illicitly, unfaithfully, without sanction.

This is an important commandment because it deals with how we get to Earth. 

So here are 3 reasons why this commandment is so important:
 Reason #1  D& C 88:15 we read that ““the spirit and the body are the soul of man”.  Our body is a gift from God and it is part of our very SOUL!!
So when we toy with, abuse, misuse, touch inappropriately someone else's body, we are misusing, abusing, toying with or inappropriately touching their soul.

Reason #2 Intimacy (a more refined word for sexual relations) is ordained of God to bring a husband and wife closer, to unite them.  Intimacy is a beautiful and important part of a marriage.  The world would have you either consider it to be merely a way to seek personal gratification or would convince you that it is disgusting and dirty and sinful…but the reality is that it is a beautiful gift from our Heavenly Father when used appropriately.  It is to help unite us as husband and wife…to help us share every part of ourselves with another.

QUOTE #3: Elder Holland said,  “Human intimacy, that sacred, physical union ordained of God for a married couple, deals with a symbol that demands special sanctity. Such an act of love between a man and a woman is—or certainly was ordained to be—a symbol of total union: union of their hearts, their hopes, their lives, their love, their family, their future, their everything. It is a symbol that we try to suggest in the temple with a word like seal. The Prophet Joseph Smith once said we perhaps ought to render such a sacred bond as “welding”—that those united in matrimony and eternal families are “welded” together, inseparable if you will, to withstand the temptations of the adversary and the afflictions of mortality. (See D&C 128:18.)… That commandment cannot be fulfilled, and that symbolism of “one flesh” cannot be preserved, if we hastily and guiltily and surreptitiously share intimacy in a darkened corner of a darkened hour, then just as hastily and guiltily and surreptitiously retreat to our separate worlds—not to eat or live or cry or laugh together, not to do the laundry and the dishes and the homework, not to manage a budget and pay the bills and tend the children and plan together for the future. No, we cannot do that until we are truly one—united, bound, linked, tied, welded, sealed, married.”

I hope this makes sense.   Intimacy is meant to help a man and woman, a husband and wife, increase their love, concern for one another and unity with one another.  You are meant to share every part of your life go on vacations, play games, laugh and have fun.   But also to do dishes, cook and clean, cry together, mourn together, etc. But that only really happens if they are united in all things…good and bad and truly “helpmeets” to one another.

A THIRD REASON…this procreative power unites us with God. Remember how I mentioned baptism and how he has set bounds for it?  And endowments?  Both draw us closer to Him and help us unite with Him.  So does intimacy.   Heavenly Father loves us and so He has conditions for when we participate in ordinances or activities that help us draw closer to Him.  

QUOTE #4:  In the words of Elder Holland, “That leads me to my last reason, a third effort to say why. After soul and symbol, the word is sacrament, a term closely related to the other two. Sexual intimacy is not only a symbolic union between a man and a woman—the uniting of their very souls—but it is also symbolic of a union between mortals and deity, between otherwise ordinary and fallible humans uniting for a rare and special moment with God himself and all the powers by which he gives life in this wide universe of ours.
In this latter sense, human intimacy is a sacrament, a very special kind of symbol. For our purpose here today, a sacrament could be any one of a number of gestures or acts or ordinances that unite us with God and his limitless powers. We are imperfect and mortal; he is ­perfect and immortal. But from time to time—indeed, as often as is possible and ­appropriate—we find ways and go to places and create circumstances where we can unite symbolically with him, and in so doing gain access to his power. Those special moments of union with God are sacramental moments—such as kneeling at a marriage altar, or blessing a newborn baby, or partaking of the emblems of the Lord’s supper. This latter ordinance is the one we in the Church have come to associate most traditionally with the word sacrament, though it is technically only one of many such moments when we formally take the hand of God and feel his divine power.
These are moments when we quite literally unite our will with God’s will, our spirit with his spirit, where communion through the veil becomes very real. At such moments we not only acknowledge his divinity, but we quite ­literally take something of that divinity to ­ourselves. Such are the holy sacraments.”

SHARE THIS PART IN OWN WORDS (from Elder Holland):
"Now, once again, I know of no one who would, for example, rush into the middle of a sacramental service, grab the linen from the tables, throw the bread the full length of the room, tip the water trays onto the floor, and laughingly retreat from the building to await an opportunity to do the same thing at another worship service the next Sunday. No one within the sound of my voice would do that during one of the truly sacred moments of our religious worship. Nor would anyone here ­violate any of the other sacramental moments in our lives, those times when we consciously claim God’s power and by invitation stand with him in privilege and principality.

I can't imagine any of you Young Women acting in such a way...or running into a baptism and shouting and disrupting it or spray painting a temple.  You recognize that these things are sacred.  Yet the world often treats intimacy in such a disrespectful way.  Most people don't view it as sacred. 

 ELDER HOLLAND SAID, “But I wish to stress with you this morning, as my third of three reasons to be clean, that sexual union is also, in its own profound way, a very real sacrament of the highest order, a union not only of a man and a woman but very much the union of that man and woman with God. Indeed, if our definition of sacrament is that act of claiming and sharing and exercising God’s own inestimable power, then I know of virtually no other divine privilege so routinely given to us all—women or men, ordained or unordained, Latter-day Saint or non-Latter-day Saint—than the miraculous and majestic power of transmitting life, the unspeakable, unfathomable, unbroken power of procreation. There are those special moments in your lives when the other, more formal ordinances of the gospel—the sacraments, if you will—allow you to feel the grace and grandeur of God’s power. …But I know of nothing so earth-shatteringly powerful and yet so universally and unstintingly given to us as the God-given power available in every one of us from our early teen years on to create a human body, that wonder of all wonders, a genetically and spiritually unique being never seen before in the history of the world and never to be duplicated again in all the ages of eternity—a child, your child—with eyes and ears and fingers and toes and a future of unspeakable grandeur.
Imagine that, if you will. Veritable teenagers—and all of us for many decades thereafter—carrying daily, hourly, minute-to-minute, virtually every waking and sleeping moment of our lives, the power and the chemistry and the eternally transmitted seeds of life to grant someone else her second estate, someone else his next level of development in the divine plan of salvation. I submit to you that no power, priesthood or otherwise, is given by God so universally to so many with virtually no control over its use except self-control. And I submit to you that you will never be more like God at any other time in this life than when you are expressing that particular power. Of all the titles he has chosen for himself, Father is the one he declares, and Creation is his watchword—especially human creation, creation in his image. His glory isn’t a mountain, as stunning as mountains are. It isn’t in sea or sky or snow or sunrise, as beautiful as they all are. It isn’t in art or technology, be that a concerto or computer. No, his glory—and his grief—is in his children. You and I, we are his prized possessions”

I love those last few lines.   You are never more like God than when you use this power of creation.  And and I...are His glory and His most prized possessions.   I hope you can feel that!!

When we choose to be unchaste, we are breaking both of the two great commands, to love the Lord God with all our heart, might mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. 

Now I want to stress…if someone abuses you…that is not your fault and you have not committed sin.  They have.  If that happens for any of you, please seek help.  But know that you are not at fault.  And also know that there is repentance available for all of us when we sin, even when we commit serious sins.  You cannot sink lower than The Atonement of Jesus Christ has power to save!  It is not possible. 

I saw the new version of Aladdin a few weeks ago.  I watched as Jafar sought for power…thinking that the power would give him control, that ruling over others would make him happy.   But it actually brought enslavement.  He thought he’d have greater freedom but it actually put him in chains.   The adversary is cunning and he’d like to enslave us.  He tries to convince us to doubt, to sin, to convince us to use these sacred powers that we have been blessed with in ways that would lead to our enslavement.   He tells us that it is okay to sin a little.  And when we sin--and we all do in different ways-- that can be how we feel…chained, weighed down, enslaved.  But in Aladdin, there was a way for the genie to become free…for Aladdin to wish him free.  For each of us, there is a way to be free...a way much better than hoping that Aladdin will wish us free…that way is through sincere repentance and the cleansing power of the Atonement.  None of us have to be enslaved by even the poorest choices we have made.  The Savior has promised us forgiveness and cleansing and healing if we repent.

There are great blessings available from being virtuous and chaste:
Peace of mind
Guidance of the Holy Ghost
Self confidence

Feeling comfortable in God’s presence.

It makes dating a more enjoyable process when you focus on building friendships.  It helps you get to know the person better when you don't rush into the physical side of things.

Worthiness to enter the temple:  Sister Elaine Dalton said, "The temple is the reason for everything we do in the Church.3The temple was the reason our pioneer ancestors left their established homes and came west. It was the reason they suffered privation and even death. Temple covenants were the reason that, although babies were buried along the way, those pioneers could sing:

Come, come, ye Saints,
No toil nor labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.4
Some lost everything but came into the valley with everything,really—temple ordinances, sacred covenants, and the promise of eternal life together as families."

(I didn't type out much on this section but I planned to expound on each one and share some experiences.  It turned out that our time was nearly out and I didn't get to say as much as I wanted to about the blessings available.)

Sister Elaine Dalton said, "Today there could be no more powerful force for virtue in the world. You must never underestimate the power of your righteous influence.

I testify that a return to virtue is possible because of the Savior’s example and the “infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice.”22 I testify that we will be enabled and strengthened not only to do hard things but to do all things. Now is the time for each of us to arise and unfurl a banner to the world calling for a return to virtue. May we so live that we can be instruments in preparing the earth for His Second Coming, “that when he shall appear we shall be like him, … purified even as he is pure.”

Oh how I love the young women and I hope that they will live virtuous lives.  It is a blessing to understand this doctrine.

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