Saturday, July 31, 2021

Why I Stay

 An Instagram page that I follow asked us to consider and perhaps share why--when so many are choosing to turn their back on religion--why we stay.  I've been thinking about this and there are so many answers I could give.  Here is what is on my mind and heart today as I think about why I stay.

First and foremost, I love the Savior Jesus Christ.  Christ has given me everything. Everything that really matters to me is a gift from Him.  

The words of John 6 come to mind:

66 ¶ From that time many of his adisciples went back, and bwalked no more with him.

67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the awords of eternal life.

69 And awe believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the bSon of the living God.

Where would I go if I left?  Christ is the source of all that is good in my life.  How could I walk away from Him?

About 6 months ago, I gave a talk in sacrament meeting. It was based on Elder Renlund's talk in October 2020 We Talk of Christ.  I've thought a lot about his words since October. 

He said, 

Like a guiding star in a clear, dark sky, Jesus Christ lights our way. He came to earth in a humble stable. He lived a perfect life. He healed the sick and raised the dead. He was a friend to the forgotten. He taught us to do good, to obey, and to love one another. He was crucified on a cross, rising majestically three days later, allowing us and those we love to live beyond the grave. With His incomparable mercy and grace, He took upon Himself our sins and our suffering, bringing forgiveness as we repent and peace in the storms of life. We love Him. We worship Him. We follow Him. He is the anchor of our souls.

 He spoke a bit about how so many are choosing to walk away from religion.  Some predict that in the next few decades more than twice as many people will leave Christianity as join it.  What should we do in such tumultuous times when it may seem unpopular to believe in Christ?  We should strengthen our faith in Christ and learn of Him. He said,

You and I speak of Jesus Christ, but maybe we can do a little better. If the world is going to speak less of Him, who is going to speak more of Him? We are! Along with other devoted Christians!

I want to be among those who speak more of Christ!

Why else do I stay?

I stay because I love the temple.  When I go to the temple, I literally feel power and peace envelop me.  I find greater strength, guidance, clarity, hope, revelation, joy, love, perspective and knowledge when I attend the temple often (or even reflect on my experiences there and honor my covenants if attending the temple isn't possible such as during the pandemic.)  In the temple I come to see more clearly who I am and who and what I can become.  I am cleansed and purified.  I become more holy, more whole, and a little more like Christ.

I stay because I love my family.  The thought of spending eternity without them makes my heart ache.  Only the gospel of Jesus Christ and the covenant path offer me the opportunity to live with my family forever.

I stay because I love to serve.  I grow as I magnify callings, as I struggle, as I increase my faith, and as I accept assignments that stretch me.  I am able to develop relationships with other imperfect people who are also trying to be disciples of Christ.  Trying to develop unity and love with others who have different weaknesses and strengths, opinions and backgrounds than me, with those who have questions and doubts but are trying to live lives of faith makes me a stronger, better, and more Christlike person.

I stay because the Spirit has witnessed to me that the gospel is true.  Over and over again, the Spirit has whispered to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.  Despite my weaknesses and questions and mistakes, the Holy Ghost speaks to me and guides me.  It is a privilege and a tremendous blessing to have the gift of the Holy Ghost to strengthen, guide, comfort, purify, teach, and bring things to my remembrance.  I can't imagine going through life without the guiding influence of the Holy Ghost.  How can I leave when I know it is true?

I stay because I am grateful for the gift of repentance.  I am so grateful that I can repent and be forgiven.  I am grateful that I don't have to carry the burden of guilt throughout life. The gospel urges me to change, to turn away from bad habits, improve, put aside selfishness, and become the best version of me.  I'm grateful that who I am today does not have to be who I am in 5 months or 5 years or 50 years or 5,000 years--that I can continue to progress and eventually be perfected in Christ.  That is the GREATEST news I know.

I stay because I believe the covenant path is a path of growth, struggle, learning and JOY.  It is a path of becoming.  

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