Friday, August 28, 2020

Jackie CD birthday

 A couple of years ago, I had this feeling that I should go buy a particular CD for my friend Jackie.  The prompting came as I was driving to work and the store wasn't open yet so I decided to go after work.  I bought the CD but didn't get over to give it to her that day.  The next day was my birthday.  My family and I celebrated and it was a busy and happy day.  But then I felt strongly that I should take the CD down to her.  So I did.  She was okay, but her aunt was in the hospital and it had been a hard day. Did the CD make everything better or solve her aunt's health issues?  Definitely not.  But hopefully it brought her a little cheer to know she was loved and thought of.  AND it helped me recognize that even though I didn't know what was going on, Heavenly Father knew what she was experiencing and allowed me to play a tiny role in helping her to feel better and know He was mindful of her.  I've had this experience enough times to know that even when I don't find out why I receive a particular prompting, it's a good idea to act.  I'm really trying to consistently do that.

LESSONS LEARNED:  Act on promptings.

Heavenly Father often shows His love and concern through others.

Even when I don't know what someone else is experiencing, Heavenly Father does.

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