Saturday, August 29, 2020

Unsettled Prompting Act

 I am serving as YW President in my ward.  I love the YW so very much.  It's been an unusual 6 months.  It's 2020 and the world is experiencing a pandemic, COVID 19.  Schools and churches and most businesses shut down in March.  It's been more challenging to contact the YW and so far we've had two in person activities since the middle of March.  We returned to church in July...but only every other week, in smaller groups...and many people have not returned yet.  I have worried about how the YW were fairing in these unusual circumstances and I've prayed for them and reached out to them and dropped off treats and tried to continue to love and serve them and bear testimony of the truth.

I've noticed over the last few weeks that one young woman that usually does respond--at least some of the time--hasn't been responding at all.  Today I felt pretty unsettled when I reached out to her again with no response.  As I went about my tasks this morning, I couldn't get her off my mind and had the thought a couple of times that I should reach out to her mom to see how she was doing.  So after that thought returned for the 3rd time, I sent a text and said I hadn't seen or heard from her for awhile and that I loved her and wondered how she was doing and if she needed anything.  Her mom replied that it meant a lot that I was thinking of her daughter and that she is busy with school (which just started and almost all of the YW went back in person) and work and softball but she's good.  But she also said that I likely won't hear from or see her much as she has decided she needs some space and isn't going to participate in church or in seminary.  Her mom didn't sound too worried about it...that it was a normal teenage thing...but I am concerned.  (And it was a text so maybe I'm misinterpreting her mom's attitude toward it.)  And while I don't have any idea right now how to help her, I'm grateful that Heavenly Father gave me that prompting to reach out to her mom and that I did.  So far the only ideas that have come to help were to share my concerns with our Bishop, fast and pray, and put the young woman's name in the temple.  I'll act on each of those thoughts and continue to pray to be led to know what to do.

LESSONS LEARNED:  In the words of President Monson, "Never postpone a prompting."

Unsettled feelings can be a signal that something needs attention or needs to be adjusted or changed.

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