Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Romney Swimming Disability

 Brooke Romney (I Like Me Anyway) tells an experience that happened at the swimming pool.  She and a friend saw a woman in a bikini with toned arms, tight abs and strong legs.  They both thought how lucky this woman was to have enough time and money to have a body like that.

Then they watched her walk to the pool and lift out a heavy child with severe special needs from the pool.  She then tenderly carried her daughter to their chairs. Suddenly, they both realized that her body hadn't come from hours at a gym working with a personal trainer.  She was strong and healthy and she most likely got each one of those muscles by caring for her child..."through selfless love and sacrifice."

She then said it is easy to look at the outside or the visible parts of a person's body or personality and make assumptions about them...but "who they are is so much deeper than most of us are willing to discover.  It is easy to dismiss people because they seem to have it all, but those who are spiritually, physically, socially or emotionally great have most likely paid a price to get there.  How often I want things the quick and easy way!  I want the muscles without the lifting; I want the humility without the heartache; I want the empathy without the suffering.  But that is not the plan.  Those who are this way have paid the price."  (page 61-62)

LESSONS LEARNED:  Judge not that ye be not judged.

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