Sunday, January 10, 2021

Which Blanket? Amelia

 Today Amelia Maass spoke in church with me.  She held up a beautiful blanket made for one of her sons when he was a baby.  It was bright and colorful and handmade and really lovely.  She then held up another blanket of her son's.  This one was tattered and torn and nearly see through and pretty worn out.   The first blanket had been stored on a shelf while the second one had been loved and cried on and hugged and dragged around.  It had been "highly favored"--just as we have been.

She talked about evidences that we have been highly favored and while, like Nephi, we have seen many afflictions, we have also been highly favored and received many tender mercies of the Lord.

At the end she asked, which blanket do we want to be when we leave this life?  The pristine blanket that looks beautiful but has seen little love or experience?  Or the tattered and torn but well loved and wise blanket?  Because when we leave this life, the tears and holes and scars will healed without a trace but the learning and wisdom and richness of experience will remain.  I definitely want to be the tattered and torn and loved blanket.

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