Friday, February 20, 2009


Apparently,Alfredo needs to start worrying about the boys already. Michelle announced to me yesterday after school that Alexis loves her. Today, when I picked her up, she told me, "Alexis really does love me, Mom. He kissed me today." So I asked her to tell me what happened. Here is the scoop, in as close to her words as I can recall.

Well, see, today was Friday, so it was a short day. So after school, I went to after school program and we went outside on the playground. Alexis was there with his sister. I don't know why; maybe his mom didn't come to pick him up or maybe she was in the car letting him play for a little bit. I don't know. So we played with Alexis. Then he had to leave. As he left, he turned and did this. (Michelle puts her hand to her lips, and blows a kiss. I clarify: "So he blew you a kiss?" She nods.) He did that to me, Mom! Really! So see, he does love me. Well, I don't know if he loves me or just likes me. But he doeslike or love me.

As for Michelle's feelings on the matter? Who is to say? She can't decide whether boys are fun to play with or gross.


  1. Oh, I'm glad it was an innocent blow kiss. You can't believe the stories Chloe brings home about boys kissing girls in her grade! Luckily nobody has tried to kiss Chloe, I would run to a closet and quietly freak out!

  2. I SO. know. how. you. feel! Xaria had a 20 minute conversation with me, my mom and my sister last night about how she and her "boyfriend" "called it off" the other day! O. MY. Goodness! I am planning to post about it soon!

  3. Tell Alfredo to invest in a gun. Jeremy plans to.

  4. Oh boy, you are in trouble! Boys at the age of 5!! Aagh!
    I know how Michelle feels though, every time I go to Walmart, the greeters blow me a kiss when I leave :o)
    ha ha ha - JK
