Monday, October 12, 2009

random photos of our week

My girls love to play with each other. Yesterday they were giving each other "horsie" rides. The crazy thing is that even though Michelle and Ella are 2 years apart, they weigh almost the same amount. So I'm surprised that either one of them can give the other a horsie ride. The rides didn't last long, but had them both giggling.

I know I have said it before, but Gabrielle is growing up way too fast. She is starting to really play. In this picture, she is pretending to drink a doll's bottle. Yesterday, she was playing chase with her big sisters. They would run to my bedroom and hide and she would run as fast as her little legs would carry her after them. Then when she found them, they would say boo and she would laugh and laugh. Then they would run to the living room and hide behind the couch. She would toddle right after them and laugh and laugh when she found them. I can't believe that she is already playing chase with her sisters!

She also loves to play hide n seek. She hides in the same two places, but she is absolutely delighted when you find her!!! And she likes for you to hide (in easy to find places) and she laughs so hard when she finds you. What happened to my tiny baby? Who took her away and put a toddler in her place?

On Saturday night, the girls were having trouble falling asleep. I had lots of laundry to fold and put away and wanted them to sleep, so I finally said they could go to my bed to sleep. They climbed in and were asleep quickly. When I came in a little later to carry them to their beds, this is what I found:

Good thing they had bathed so Michelle's feet were clean!

Ella wants to be like her big sister. She loves doing homework and writing. This was her attempt to write sister. Look closely. The letters are all out of order, but she has a backward s, a forward s, an i, a t, an e, and her attempt at an r. Not bad for 4 years old. (I spelled sister for her.) She can write her name and is learning to write the other letters. (Although I should mention that when she writes a capital E, she puts about 5 lines going across instead of 3.)


  1. I love it when kids start trying to write words. It's funny how they have to learn that the letters go in order on the page not just randomly everywhere. I always kept those kinds of pages where they'd write things. So fun to see how quickly they progress!

  2. Jenny, that makes me smile, Emma does the same thing when she writes her name ... enough lines across to cover the length of the vertical line. This is a fun post. It's nice to have a record of the day to day things kiddo's do. Your girls are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Aw.... cute! It's so nice to have breaks and to be home with them! :) You looked so nice and refreshed when I saw you earlier! Have SO. MUCH. FUN. on your trip! We'll see ya when you get back, if not before!
