Friday, October 2, 2009

Wild and Wonderful

Today, we headed to Hunter Library for one of their fun, free programs. Today's program was Wild and Wonderful. The presenter told a story about a bearded dragon who was 3 years old. He decided to go on an adventure, so he climbed in a boat and sailed on the ocean. He met many friends along his way, as he searched to find his way back home. Among his friends were Coco, the Cockatoo, a marmot, a skunk, a boa, a tortoise, and a hedgehog.
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The kids were enthralled with both the story and the animals. Well, all except Gabrielle, who spent most of the hour emptying my purse over and over.

After the program was over, the children were allowed to come and touch the bearded dragons, the hedgehog and the tortoise. Michelle bravely touched everything but the poky little hedgehog. She wanted to touch the boa, but the presenter didn't take him out. Ella, on the other hand, enjoyed the show, but was tired and wanted to go home and take a nap (after checking out more books, of course, she insisted we needed more...not true, but I'm glad she loves books!).

I liked the program, because it weaved in lots of facts about the animals into the story. For example, it taught the kids that marmots are herbivores and they live underground and they have one who watches and lets the others know when there is danger. Skunks and bearded dragons are both insectivores, and boas are carnivores that only need to eat about once a month.

I asked the girls what their favorite animals were.
Gabrielle said the bird. (Okay, so she didn't actually tell me she liked the bird. But it was the only one that really caught her attention. She said, "Wow!" several times while the bird was out.)

Ella said she liked the cockatoo, because it pooped and because it could talk. It was pretty funny. It also played "hide n seek" by hiding its head under its feathers.

Michelle liked the snake. Why? Because it goes "Ssss" with its tongue. And she said to add, "And I liked the turtle because it pooped." (Not sure what kids' fascination with poop is but okay.....)

A fun, interesting, learning experience for all of us.


  1. How cool! I love FUN and FREE!!

  2. That is so fun. I need to learn more about these library programs. Thanks for sharing.

    And tell your girls they can come over and check out our bunnies whenever they want....they poop A LOT!
