Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What was lost, now is found.

Gabrielle had been playing with my purse on Sunday. I took it away from her. On Monday, I went shopping and realized my license and a few other items were not in my purse. Fortunately, the stores I went to were very kind and still let me buy helps that I know my license number and expiration date. Anyway, yesterday was a crazy day. Michelle was very sick. Vomiting and so tired. Plus, I HAD to find my license. The girls and I are flying to Arizona tomorrow. I cleaned nine or ten drawers, 4 closets, and searched everywhere I could think of for my license. This morning, I decided there were about 4 more spots to look. I cleaned out my car (on the off chance that it had fallen out of my purse into my car) and searched a few more places. The last place I could think of to look was to search the diaper bag. If it wasn't there, I figured I had to go to the DMV (and then I was trying to I take 3 kids, one of whom is still a little sick? Do I find someone to watch them? Who? What to do....). I had just about given up hope, when I searched the last pocket, and there it was along with everything else that Gabby had absconded with... Thank goodness! What an answer to prayer!!! Now I can worry about packing our suitcases and not about spending who knows how long at the DMV.

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