Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saying I Love You

One way I try to be a good mother is to tell my kids often that I love them. I want them to know that, no matter what, they are special and unique and loved. So, I try to say I love you multiple times each day and in different ways.

Here are a few of the ways we say I love you:
*Say, "I love you!" (Okay, that is the standard way, but it is still important!)

*Say, "Who is my favorite (6,4, or 1) year old girl?" To which they answer, "ME!" Well, except Gabby. :)

*Sometimes we'll say how much we love each other. I love you to the moon and the stars and back. I love you more than a dog loves bones. I love you to heaven and back. and so on...

*We cuddle each night to read stories. I often read stories that talk about families and love. Right now, we have a book called, "Did I tell you I love you today?"

*I give thanks for them in prayers.

*I take them places that are fun for them, and I tell them that I'm doing it because I love them.

*When I get angry and lose my temper (which I try hard not to do, but it does happen!), I apologize and hug them and tell them I'm sorry and that I love them.

There are probably other things that I do, but these are just a few things I do to let my kids know that I love them. So, my kids know that they are loved and that I think they are beautiful, smart, kind and special. That is my Proud Mommy Moment. If you would like to share something you are doing well or any things you do to help your kids that are working, we would all love to read them. Head on over to Shannon's(now monthly meme) to participate!<


  1. THIS is GOOD! It's so true! To know that you are loved is SO STINKIN important! Again... you are a great example to me! :)

  2. You can never say "I love you" too much! I love all the ways that you show your girls you love them! You are a great mamma!
