Wednesday, November 11, 2009


(This picture really isn't related to this post. I just thought it was cute.)

Poor Ella had another cavity filled on Monday. That makes 4 cavities now. Really, we do brush. Michelle has never had a cavity and Ella has had 4. Last time they had us go to Primary Children's and sedate her. This time, they did it in the dentist's office. (His office, by the way, is amazing! The whole office is decorated like an undersea adventure with fish, sharks, whales, etc. There is a huge play area and they get to ride a merry go round with sea creatures when they are done. They get to choose a toy from a treasure chest. We love our dentist.)

Anyway, she got some valium an hour before the procedure and then some laughing gas while they did the filling. Then of course they numbed the area. She did pretty well during the actual filling, but cried for nearly an hour afterward...she hated the numbness in her mouth and just hated the whole experience probably. Anyway, for some reason it got me thinking about my little four year old and all her experiences with drugs. I really think she has had more drugs in her four years than I have in my whole life. She was sedated at least 3 times to have echocardiograms done. Then of course, she received a cocktail of drugs before/during/right after her open heart surgery. Then six months ago, she was sedated to have a tooth extracted and a couple tiny fillings filled. Then she had laughing gas and Valium on Monday. I know I've had morphine and one epidural and I got some kind of pain meds after my wisdom teeth were pulled but I only took one. I'm pretty sure I've never had laughing gas or Valium or been totally sedated. And poor Ella has had all of these. Let's hope that most of the need for these kinds of medications is done and she will go on to have a healthy, (mostly/totally) cavity free life.


  1. O, Ella Bella Boo! I'm sorry that had to happen to you! Jenny, I know it's heart-wrenching (sp?) to see your children go through things that make them anxious, sad, mad, etc... I, too, hope that she is done with all of those things for a VERY long TIME! (at least until she has kiddos of her own). AND... some people just have more difficulty with teeth stuff... I don't understand why, but I guess it's just like anything else - some people are stronger in one are than you, but you in an area are stronger than them. Hang in there!

  2. Poor Ella. Some kids are just prone to that I guess. Braeden hasn't had to go through that extreme of course but I feel the same way about him. Cameron's been fine except he's allergic to dogs but Braeden was born with a mild heart murmur and had his first febrile seizure (fever induced) at 8 months! He's had 9 seizures total and is drugged up every 3 hours each time he has a fever to try to avoid it and I HATE giving my kids medicine! He's never had antibiotics as least and overcome two mild ear infections without it but between that and his EKG and EEG he's been through so much for his age. So I understand how you feel and hope he'll outgrow his seizures soon (3-5 is the range they do) and also live a more normal and healthy life. By the way, you have to let me know who your dentist is. I'm looking for a new one.

  3. Our dentist is Ryan Johansen and he's at Jordan Landing Pediatric Dentistry. We love him. I have two other friends that also go to him and he really is great!

  4. That's a bummer! BUT on the bright side...we have those drugs available! I could NOT have been a pioneer. There is a reason Heavenly Father put me on earth now. (I'm a baby) When I have a headache, I want tylenol. When I have an infection, I want antibiotics. When I have a fever, I want to use a thermomiter. When I don't want to cook dinner, I want to eat out. I could go on and on. But I won't.

  5. Oh, I feel so sorry for Ella and you. She really has had way too many tough things to have to endure with doctors.

    Max just had cavities filled yesterday too. Same thing at our house--Annie has never had any teeth problems and poor Max gets cavities filled every time we go. He has always done just fine in the office with laughing gas and is so brave...but yesterday he didn't do so well, I was holding him down and he was screaming and crying and trying to yank things out of the dentists hands. I felt so bad.

    We really like our pediactric dentsis too. Funny, he also has a whole under the sea Nemo theme with murals and a whole sailboat etc... He is right on 47th by Marie Calendars. I will have to keep yours in mind if we ever need to change with insurance or something.
