Saturday, April 24, 2010

mario bros. wii

We have been borrowing the Mario Bros. Wii game for a few weeks now from Alfredo's cousin. The girls and many of their friends have had fun playing it (and me too!) But what is cute is the title. It is spelled "Mario Bros." and so Michelle calls it the Mario Bros (braw-ss) game. I've told her a couple times that bros. is an abbreviation for brothers, but the other pronunciation is sticking. It makes me smile each time I hear it.


  1. hehe! That's definitely something to remember! She's so stinkin' cute! Ty got that game for his DS and they BOTH want to play it CONSTANTLY! WE just may have to purchase it for the Wii! :)

  2. cute! Who knew Mario would need a "Manzeere" or a "Bro". that's too funny!
