Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Gabby is very into matching right now. And she has her own unique ideas about what matches. Essentially, she thinks that things only match if they are the same color. For instance, she doesn't agree that jeans match with almost everything. She thinks they only match with things that have blue in them. Same with khaki pants...they can only be worn if the shirt has some brown/khaki in it. For the most part, I indulge her in finding "matching" clothes (and feel thankful that since she is only 3...almost 4, she has lots of outfits that came as sets.) But there are mornings when it feels frustrating to have her reject 3 or 4 outfits because they don't match or to have her insist on choosing her own outfit but then taking much longer to do it than I have time for in my busy morning rush. It's a good thing I adore that sweet but spunky kid!

Gabby is also very into rhyming right now. On an almost daily basis, she will announce to us that things rhyme. On Memorial Day, Brenda and Aelora came over and Alfredo barbecued. Brenda brought their dog, Daisy. Gabby announced, "Daisy and Maisy rhyme together." Those are the words she always uses. "Cat and hat rhyme together." I love to hear her voice listing words that she notices rhyme with each other. Most of the time her rhymes are actual words, but on occasion she will make up a word to have a rhyme. Three/four is such a great age! There is probably nothing I love in this world as much as hearing her laugh or seeing her smile.

I am so grateful for her and for her sweet bigger sisters.

Tonight she grabbed the umbrella and asked me for a blanket and a piece of toast. Pretty soon, I noticed she had set up the umbrella and was having a picnic on the living room floor with her baby doll. So stinking cute. She is so good at entertaining herself...she plays well with her sisters most of the time, but she is also content to go into her room and play with her own toys for long stretches of time. What a blessing it is to be her mom!

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