Monday, July 28, 2008

I have a sub!

What a relief! I shared with a couple people that as of this morning, I didn't know if I had a sub. (And school starts next week.) My school secretary called last Wednesday to tell me that it had been approved by the district to have a parent named Michelle who regularly subs at our school be my long term sub. I just needed to call and verify with her. But the way the message was worded I didn't know if anyone had talked to her yet or if she was available. I called all weekend and just got a voice mail (which only said the phone number and not her name... I got a call today from some lady telling me that my many phone calls were to her phone and that no Michelle lived there!) So I was feeling pretty stressed out that one week before school starts, I may or may not have a sub. But it turns out the school had talked to her and she is available and wants to do it, she just needed to know that she'd been approved. So the vice principal said she has her correct phone number and would call her today to let her know. So hopefully I can get a hold of her tomorrow and get everything totally set in stone. And she'll be wonderful! She has great control/management skills. She'll follow my lesson plans. She knows our school. She is an AWESOME sub! I'm so grateful that it has all worked out.

Just a little side note: Yesterday in Sunday School we were studying Alma 33-35, which talk a lot about praying and the need to pray for your families, fields, flocks, enemies, etc. I was sitting there thinking... how dumb, I've been worried about this sub issue but I've never thought to pray about it. I've prayed that I could get my classroom set up and my sub plans done before little Gabrielle makes her grand entrance. I've prayed that my delivery will go smoothly. I've prayed that the sub will be a good one. But I hadn't prayed specifically about this current dilemma. So I did yesterday and felt much calmer. Then I found out this morning that it should all work out very well. What an answer to prayers. I am so relieved.


  1. It is amazing how there is always such a long list of things to have accomplished before a baby arrives, and it is always such a wonderful feeling when EVERYTHING is done and ready:)

    I am glad that you know you have a sub ligned up now!!!

  2. Oh thank goodness! I know how stressful that can be! I found me sub just before the babies were born, I was so worried :)

  3. YAY! Now you can rest easy! btw, how do you feel?

  4. Today I feel hot and tired and a little sore. I had district workshops about math all day and I was definitely waddling around. Some nice lady asked when my baby was due and told me I looked great for only having a week left. I felt very pregnant... walking so slowly with a definite waddle rather than my usual brisk pace. But other than that, I feel good. It's nice to know that I'm down to only a week or two until this baby comes.

  5. Phew - one less thing to worry about. Glad it's all going to work out!

  6. What a relief! I didn't realize you would have to find your own sub. For some reason, I just thought the school would take care of that!
    I've been meaning to tell you that the picture of Michelle and Ella is so adorable on your header. I just love it!

  7. well, technically there is someone at the district office who is supposed to find a long term sub for you. if you can arrange it on your own, they really like that, but if not, then it's her job to arrange it. i notified her the first week of june that i'd need a long term sub for my maternity leave and then turned in my paperwork the last week of june. but then i didn't hear anything and didn't hear anything. (she was on vacation for the first part of july.) so as of a week and a half ago, no one had even begun to look for a sub for me. so my vice principal started working on it to see if this parent could be my sub. and it finally got all worked out, but it has been beyond stressful. and actually i STILL haven't talked to her. it's arranged and as far as i know, she's ready to do it, but i haven't been able to reach her. hopefully tomorrow! stressful!
