Friday, July 11, 2008

Memory Lane Tag

Memory Lane.....
THIS tag is fun AND easy!!!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


  1. I also remember the many literacy discussions!!! It is funny how worried I was about Annie's reading at such a young age (oh, the things you worry about with the first kid:)

    I remember what a good visiting teacher you were!!! And I will never forget that incredible swirly cheesecake that you made for me on more than one occasion!!! And I also remember how sweet you were to me when my brother passed away...thank you.

    I LOVED watching Michelle, I was really sad to not be able to watch her anymore when Kirk got so sick. I don't know if I ever thanked you for being so understanding about that.

    You are such a sweet person and friend!!!

  2. My favorite memories of you are more recent as I have gotten to know you!

    I remember the day I watched the girls toward the end of the school year and you came home just sick about the two little girls in your class who stole something. I remember how well you handled the situation and thinking how I only wish I could be as patient and understanding as you!

    I LOVE how you are ALWAYS so patient and soft spoken with your girls. Even the other day at the zoo, when it was only oh 100 degrees outside and you, hello, you are 36 weeks pregnant and you still maintained your cool and calm demeanor after almost 3 hours in that heat; whereas, well you know me, I lost it right there at the end :) LOL!

    And I cherish and enjoy your company whenever you come over with the girls when they play here. It is nice to sit and chat with you as we watch our children play SO WONDERFULLY together. I just love how well Xaria and Michelle get along! They are a great match!!!

  3. This is the only thing I really can't comment alot on, on your blog. Most of the memories I have with you are you picking up your children each day from preschool. But I love your girls! They are very sweet and very good friends to the other children! I'm glad to have your children in my class...and I'm glad that I can write a post and know that at least one person (you) will read it!

  4. I remember Y Group 55. And what were those boys' names? Morgan, Steve, um . . .

    It was terrific fun.

  5. How did I miss this?

    Memories of you:
    I was so surprised to meet Alfredo's wife and that we were in the same neighborhood. I worked with him briefly at CDI Media back when he was engaged, and I remember him talking a little about his fiance. He was a twitterpated goner!

    My strongest memory of you was when we stayed late after a church activity talking...several times. You gave a talk in sacrament meeting about Joseph Smith that I still remember parts of. I was floored at how calm and well spoken you are, even under pressure.

  6. My memory of you is over at the Bankheads party around Christmas time. Alfredo and the boys were having so much fun laughing and you just remained calm and let us go. BTW we did not cheat at that game. ALfredo is from Afghanastan!

  7. That made me laugh, Greg!

    Thanks for sharing some fun memories everyone.
