Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Who do YOU think Ella looks like?

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Pedigree - Family history

According to this website, Ella looks more like her daddy. That's what we think too! :) I copied this from my friend Emily's brand new blog. Fun. Thanks Emily!


  1. Cute new blog doo too!
    I found another cute place for layouts and you don't loose any of your "widgets" it is thecutestblogontheblock.com if you ever want to see what they have.

  2. I like the look-a-like meter! I'm going to have to steal that one from you and do it too. Although I already know that Chance is Wade's little clone, and Brandon & Kate look like my side of the family. Still, it'll be interesting to see what the meter thinks.

  3. Yeah, I think Chance looks more like Wade and Katie looks like you. Brandon seems like a mix to me. It would be interesting to see what the meter says. I tried it twice with Ella, using 2 different pictures of me. I got slightly different results. So that's kind of interesting too.
