Saturday, July 19, 2008


I've read that commercials influence kids and that you should be careful what commercials (and tv) your kids watch. And I do try (at least most days... I occassionally have a day that I put few limits on tv) to really limit what my kids watch. Mostly they see either movies or cartoons on the disney channel. So I've never seen that commercials had much impact on my girls. But the last couple of weeks, Michelle has paid attention. About a week ago, she told me I absolutely HAD to buy a person that would organize all my stuff. She made me come look at it on tv and told me it would be great because then my purse would be neat and it looked good. A day or two later she saw someone with a purse like the one advertised and said, "See, that's the purse you need."

This morning, she was watching Care Bears while I was working on lesson plans. She came running in and said to come see. It was a commercial for something you stick in your plants. You add water (and maybe plant food?) and it keeps your plants alive. Michelle said, "See how colorful they are and you add water and our plants need them!"

The funny thing is that she never seems to come tell me about a commercial for a toy or child's product. She does sometimes tell me that __________ (insert one of her friend's names) has this cool toy that she wants too. But she's never pointed out a toy seen in a commercial... just stuff for me and for the house.


  1. That is so funny!!! Annie does the same's ALWAYS the infomercials!!! She will come in and say, "guess what mom for only 5 payments of $29.95 over the next 3 years you to can own your own _________!!!! We don't have cable, but they always seem to follow the Saturday morning cartoons:) She always goes on to complete the entire shpeel (not sure how to spell that) She is very convincing...who knows maybe she too will be one of those annoying infomercial people when she grows up (let's hope not)!!!!

  2. that's funny. glad it's not just michelle...although it would seem more normal if she was begging for the latest Dora toy (or something) rather than a special colorful plant waterer.

  3. My kids almost exclusively watch MOVIES! If they hadn't gone to a babysitter they would probably not even know what cartoons are! :) But that is SO FUNNY!!! I love the purse to get you organized. I think it's funny the things kids notice about us.. Xaria has pointed out some of my worst character flaws... But I love their honesty! I only wish people didn't lose the honesty as they grow up!

  4. She's looking out for you! What a sweetie! I can tell that she is always thinking of things. Thinking of ways to do things differently, or a way to help. She has a very mature little mind!
    In some ways, that story reminds me of an Arthur episode, the one where he wants something really cool he saw on an infomercial. Arthur saves and saves and finally is able to buy the thing, only to find out that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  5. Michelle is a thinker...and she has a good heart.

    Tonight I got a little upset with her because she asked if she and her 2 friends could have a fruit snack. Then a bit later I checked and they'd eaten all 10 from a brand new box. When I was talking to her about it, she said, "I'm sorry Mommy. I"m trying to be good. I'm thinking about how and really trying hard, but sometimes I'm not as good as I should be." She told me several times that she is thinking hard about how to be a better girl. Too sweet. She is a good girl.

  6. That is so funny. Abby has seen the same 2 commercials and told me that I need that purse and the watering bulbs too! I think it's so funny that those commercials would appeal to a 5 year old.
