Friday, July 25, 2008

to do list... almost done

A few weeks back I shared my to-do list for this summer. I'm proud to say that I've accomplished nearly everything on my list. I've cleaned and organized every closet in my house, finished 3 1/2 weeks worth of sub plans, gotten the baby's room ready, taken tons of stuff to DI, cleaned and organized just about every room, frozen 20 meals, etc. I've done my back to school shopping (for Michelle and for my classroom). My classroom is just about ready to go. And, drum roll please, I have cleaned and organized my office. Now I won't show before pictures because well, I would be too mortified. I will just say that my office is an office, scrapbooking room, library and dumping ground. And it was embarrassingly cluttered and unorganized. Few, if any of you, have ever seen it because it was such a disaster. But I have worked hard in the past week to tackle my two last projects... sub plans and my office. Alfredo helped with the office, moving things around and stuff. But I am so pleased with how it looks now, especially compared with how it looked before. It's still not perfect, but it is user friendly and good enough for me.
the computer desk/office area... this poor desk is at least 10 years old and was falling apart. We were going to buy a new one, but last weekend Alfredo decided that 1) we've spent money on other things recently, 2) he wanted to get the office fixed up and organized NOW and didn't want to wait to buy a new desk and 3) he could fix this one. Which he did. It actually doesn't look so bad now and overall, I am quite pleased with this room now.
my scrapbookin area with all my materials neatly organized in boxes and drawers... everything now has a place and is in it's place

my bookshelves are still overflowing as you can see... I'm addicted to books. And I really could use another bookshelf (despite the fact that the girls have a bookshelf in their room and the office closet has shelves lined with books and my scrapbooks and I have many, many of my books in my classroom at school)

Side note: The one thing I didn't get done as much as I would have liked this summer was to scrapbook. I wanted to spend more time scrapbooking, but the summer went pretty fast and it just didn't happen. But I'm so pleased with all that I did accomplish.


  1. You're doing really well getting ready for baby! Good job!
    Makes me want to go organize something. (I did just do my pantry though, and I love it)

  2. Fantastic! I love to be in a recently organized room and just enjoy the orderliness of it! I tackled my storage room this week, got nearly 1/2 way done and called off the attack. I'll have to dive back in soon! Just knowing that room is there with even 1/2 of it brimming with stuff piled on more stuff makes me uneasy. Again---good for you!

  3. WOW! All that at 9 months pregnant! I have accomplished virtually nothing! Just spending time with my babies (who aren't babies anymore); keeping a pretty clean house and a whole lot of blogging and zooomring! LOL! Maybe next summer I'll actually have a to-do list! ;)

    btw, the picture of the girls is FANTASTIC!!!!!

  4. being pregnant is good for me (at least in some ways...) That nesting instinct kicks into high gear and I want my house cleaned/organized from top to bottom. This summer has been especially nice because the nesting instinct has kicked in while I've been home for the summer. Since I worked right up until Michelle and Ella's births, I couldn't do as much before their births as I wanted to.
